Royal Slave.
I do not pretend, in giving you the History of this Royal Slave, to
entertain my Reader with the Adventures of a feign'd Hero, whose Life and
Fortunes Fancy may manage at the Poets Pleasure; nor in relating the Truth, design to
adorn it with any Accidents, but such as arriv'd in earnest to him: And it shall come
2simply into the World, recommended by its own proper Merits, and
natural Intrigues; there being enough of Reality to support it, and to render it
diverting, without the Addition of Invention.
I was my self an to
a great part, of what you will find here set down; and what I cou'd not be Witness
of, I receiv'd from the Mouth of the chief Actor in this History, the Hero
himself, who gave us the whole Transactions of his Youth; and though I shall omit,
for Brevity's sake, a thousand little Accidents of his Life, which, however pleasant
to us, where History was scarce, and Adventures very rare; yet might prove tedious
and heavy to my Reader, in a World where he finds Diversions for every Minute,3 new and strange: But we who were perfectly charm'd with the Character of
this great Man, were curious to gather every Circumstance of his Life.
The Scene of the last part of his Adventures lies in a Colony in America,
in the West-Indies.
But before I give you the Story of this Gallant Slave, 'tis fit I tell you
the manner of bringing them to these new Colonies; for those they make use
of there, are not Natives of the place; for those we live with in perfect
Amity, without daring to command 'em; but on the contrary, caress 'em with all the
brotherly and friendly Affection in the World; trading with 'em for their Fish,
Venison, Buffilo's, Skins, and little Rarities; as , a sort of
Monkey as 4big as a Rat or Weesel, but of a marvellous and
delicate shape, and has Face and Hands like an Humane Creature: and
a little Beast in the form and fashion of a Lion, as big
as a Kitten; but so exactly made in all parts like that noble Beast, that it is it in
Minature. Then for little Parakeetoes, great Parrots,
Muckaws, and a thousand other Birds and Beasts of wonderful and
surprizing Forms, Shapes, and Colours. For Skins of prodigious Snakes, of which there
are some threescore Yards in length; as is the Skin of one that may be seen at His
Majesty's Where
are also some rare Flies, of amazing Forms and Colours, presented to 'em by my self;
some as big as my Fist, some less; and all of various Excellencies, such as Art 5cannot imitate. Then we trade for Feathers, which they order into all
Shapes, make themselves little short Habits of 'em, and glorious Wreaths for their
Heads, Necks, Arms and Legs, whose Tinctures are unconceivable. I had a Set of these
presented to me, and I gave 'em to the King's Theatre, and it was the Dress of the
infinitely admir'd by Persons
of Quality; and were unimitable. Besides these, a thousand little Knacks, and
Rarities in Nature, and some of Art; as their Baskets, Weapons, Aprons,
&c. We dealt with 'em with Beads of all Colours, Knives, Axes, Pins
and Needles; which they us'd only as Tools to drill
with in their Ears, Noses and Lips, where they hang a great many
little things; as long Beads, bits of Tin,6Brass, or Silver, beat thin; and
any shining Trincket. The Beads they weave into Aprons about a quarter of an Ell
long, and of the same breadth; working them very prettily in Flowers of several
Colours of Beads; which Apron they wear just before 'em, as Adam and
Eve did the Fig-leaves; the Men wearing a long Stripe of Linen, which
they deal with us for. They thread these Beads also on long Cotton-threads, and make
Girdles to tie their Aprons to, which come twenty times, or more, about the Waste;
and then cross, like a Shoulder-belt, both ways, and round their Necks, Arms and
Legs. This Adornment, with their long black Hair, and the Face painted in little
Specks or Flowers here and there, makes 'em a wonderful Figure to7 behold.
Some of the Beauties which indeed are finely shap'd, as almost all are, and who have
pretty Features, are very charming and novel; for they have all that is called
Beauty, except the Colour, which is a reddish Yellow; or after a new Oiling, which
they often use to themselves, they are of the colour of a new Brick, but smooth, soft
and sleek. They are extream modest and bashful, very shy, and nice of being touch'd.
And though they are all thus naked, if one lives for ever among 'em, there is not to
be seen an indecent Action, or Glance; and being continually us'd to see one another
so unadorn'd, so like our first Parents before the Fall, it seems as if they had no
Wishes; there being nothing to heighten Curiosity, but all you can see, you8 see at once, and every Moment see; and where there is no Novelty, there can be no
Curiosity. Not but I have seen a handsom young Indian, dying for Love of a
very beautiful young Indian Maid; but all his Courtship was, to fold his
Arms, pursue her with his Eyes, and Sighs were all his Language: While she, as if no
such Lover were present; or rather, as if she desired none such, carefully guarded
her Eyes from beholding him; and never approach'd him, but she look'd down with all
the blushing Modesty I have seen in the most severe and cautious of our World. And
these People represented to me an absolute Idea of the first State of
Innocence, before Man knew how to sin: And 'tis most evident and plain, that simple
Nature is the most harmless, inoffen9sive and vertuous Mistress. 'Tis she
alone, if she were permitted, that better instructs the World, than all the
Inventions of Man: Religion wou'd here but destroy that Tranquillity, they possess by
Ignorance; and Laws wou'd but teach 'em to know Offence, of which now they have no
Notion. They once made Mourning and Fasting for the Death of the English
Governor, who had given his Hand to come on such a Day to 'em, and neither came, nor
sent; believing, when once a Man's Word was past, nothing but Death cou'd or shou'd
prevent his keeping it: And when they saw he was not dead, they ask'd him, what Name
they had for a Man who promis'd a thing he did not do? The Governor told them, Such a
man was a Lyar, which10 was a Word of Infamy to a Gentleman. Then
one of 'em reply'd, Governor, you are a Lyar, and guilty of that Infamy.
They have a Native Justice, which knows no Fraud; and they understand no Vice, or
Cunning, but when they are taught by the White Men. They have Plurality of
Wives, which, when they grow old, they serve those that succeed 'em, who are young;
but with a Servitude easie and respected; and unless they take Slaves in War, they
have no other Attendants.
Those on that Continent where I was, had no King; but the oldest War-Captain
was obey'd with great Resignation.
A War-Captain is a Man who has lead them on to Battel with Conduct, and Success; of
whom I shall have Occasion to speak11 more hereafter, and of some other of
their Customs and Manners, as they fall in my way.
With these People, as I said, we live in perfect Tranquillity, and good
Understanding, as it behooves us to do; they knowing all the places where to seek the
best Food of the Country, and the Means of getting it; and for very small and
unvaluable Trifles, supply us with what 'tis impossible for us to get; for they do
not only in the Wood, and over the Sevana's, in Hunting, supply the parts of
Hounds, by swiftly scouring through those almost impassable places; and by the meer
Activity of their Feet, run down the nimblest Deer, and other eatable Beasts: But in
the water, one wou'd think they were Gods of the Rivers, or Fellow-Citizens of the
12Deep; so rare an Art they have in Swimming, Diving, and almost Living
in Water; by which they command the less swift Inhabitants of the Floods. And then
for Shooting; what they cannot take, or reach with their Hands, they do with Arrows;
and have so admirable an Aim, that they will split almost an Hair; and at any
distance that an Arrow can reach, they will shoot down Oranges, and other Fruit, and
only touch the Stalk with the Dart's Points, that they may not hurt the Fruit. So
that they being, on all Occasions, very useful to us, we find it absolutely necessary
to caress 'em as Friends, and not to treat 'em as Slaves; nor dare we do other, their
Numbers so far surpassing ours in that Continent.
13Those then whom we make use of to work in our Plantations of Sugar, are
Negro's, Black-Slaves altogether; which are transported thither in this
Those who want Slaves, make a Bargain with a Master, or Captain of a Ship, and
contract to pay him so much a-piece, a matter of twenty Pound a Head for as many as
he agrees for, and to pay for 'em when they shall be deliver'd on such a Plantation:
So that when there arrives a Ship laden with Slaves, they who have so contracted, go
a-board, and receive their Number by Lot; and perhaps in one Lot that may be for ten,
there may happen to be three or four Men; the rest, Women and Children: Or be there
more or less of either Sex, you are oblig'd to be contented with your Lot.
, a Country of Blacks so called, was one of those places in which
they found the most advantageous Trading for these Slaves; and thither most of our
great Traders in that Merchandice traffick'd; for that Nation is very war-like and
brave; and having a continual Campaign, being always in Hostility with one
neighbouring Prince or other, they had the fortune to take a great many Captives; for
all they took in Battel, were sold as Slaves; at least, those common Men who cou'd
not ransom themselves. Of these Slaves so taken, the General only has all the profit;
and of these Generals, our Captains and Masters of Ships buy all their Freights.
The King of Coramantien was himself a Man of a Hundred and15 odd
Years old, and had no Son, though he had many beautiful Black Wives; for
most certainly, there are Beauties that can charm of that Colour. In his younger
Years he had had many gallant Men to his Sons, thirteen of which died in Battel,
conquering when they fell; and he had only left him for his Successor, one
Grand-Child, Son to one of these dead Victors; who, as soon as he cou'd bear a Bow in
his Hand, and a Quiver at his Back, was sent into the Field, to be trained up by one
of the oldest Generals, to War; where, from his natural Inclination to Arms, and the
Occasions given him, with the good Conduct of the old General, he became, at the Age
of Seventeen, one of the most expert Captains, and bravest Soldiers, that ever saw
16the Field of Mars: So that he was ador'd as the Wonder of all
that World, and the Darling of the Soldiers. Besides, he was adorn'd with a native
Beauty so transcending all those of his gloomy Race, that he strook an Awe and
Reverence, even in those that knew not his Quality; as he did in me, who beheld him
with Surprize and Wonder, when afterwards he arriv'd in our World.
He had scarce arriv'd at his Seventeenth Year, when fighting by his Side, the General
was kill'd with an Arrow in his Eye, which the Prince Oroonoko (for so was
this gallant Moor call'd) very narrowly avoided; nor had he, if the General,
who saw the Arrow shot, and perceiving it aim'd at the Prince, had not bow'd his Head
between, on purpose to receive it in his own 17Body rather than it shou'd
touch that of the Prince, and so saved him.
'Twas then, afflicted as Oroonoko was, that he was proclaim'd Genéral in the
old Man's place; and then it was, at the finishing of that War, which had continu'd
for two Years, that the Prince came to Court; where he had hardly been a Month
together, from the time of his fifth Year, to that of Seventeen; and 'twas amazing to
imagine where it was he learn'd so much Humanity; or, to give his Accomplishments a
juster Name, where 'twas he got that real Greatness of Soul, those refin'd Notions of
true Honour, that absolute Generosity, and that Softness that was capable of the
highest Passions of Love and Gallantry, whose Objects were almost18
continually fighting Men, or those mangl'd, or dead; who heard no Sounds, but those
of War and Groans: Some part of it we may attribute to the Care of a
French-Man of Wit and Learning; who finding it turn to very good Account to
be a sort of Royal Tutor to this young Black, & perceiving him very
ready, apt, and quick of Apprehension, took a great pleasure to teach him Morals,
Language and Science; and was for it extreamly belov'd and valu'd by him. Another
Reason was, He lov'd, when he came from War, to see all the English
Gentlemen that traded thither; and did not only learn their Language, but that of the
Spaniards also, with whom he traded afterwards for Slaves.
I have often seen and convers'd with this great Man, and been a 19Witness
to many of his mighty Actions; and do assure my Reader, the most Illustrious Courts
cou'd not have produc'd a braver Man, both for Greatness of Courage and Mind, a
Judgment more solid, a Wit more quick, and a Conversation more sweet and diverting.
He knew almost as much as if he had read much: He had heard of, and admir'd the
Romans; he had heard of the late in England,
and the deplorable Death of our great Monarch; and wou'd discourse of
it with all the Sense, and Abhorrence of the Injustice imaginable. He had an extream
good and graceful Mien, and all the Civility of a well-bred great Man. He had nothing
of Barbarity in his Nature, but in all Points address'd himself, as if his Education
had been in some European Court.
This great and just Character of Oroonoko gave me an extream Curiosity to
see him, especially when I knew he spoke , and
that I cou'd talk with him. But though I had heard so much of him, I was as greatly
surpriz'd when I saw him, as if I had heard nothing of him; so beyond all Report I
found him. He came into the Room, and address'd himself to me, and some other Women,
with the best Grace in the World. He was pretty tall, but of a Shape the most exact
that can be fansy'd: The most famous
cou'd not form the Figure of a Man more admirably turn'd from
Head to Foot. His Face was not of that brown, rusty Black which most of that Nation
are, but a perfect Ebony, or polish'd Jett. His Eyes were the most21
that cou'd be seen, and very piercing; the White of 'em being
like Snow, as were his Teeth. His Nose was rising and Roman, instead of
African and flat. His Mouth, the finest shap'd that cou'd be seen; far
from those great turn'd Lips, which are so natural to the rest of the
Negroes. The whole Proportion and Air of his Face was so noble, and
exactly form'd, that,
his Colour, there cou'd be nothing in Nature more beautiful,
agreeable and handsome. There was no one Grace wanting, that bears the Standard of
true Beauty: His Hair came down to his Shoulders, by the Aids of Art; which was, by
pulling it out with a Quill, and keeping it comb'd; of which he took particular Care.
Nor did the Perfections of his Mind come short of 22those of his Person;
for his Discourse was admirable upon almost any Subject; and who-ever had heard him
speak, wou'd have been convinc'd of their Errors, that all fine Wit is confin'd to
the White Men, especially to those of Christendom; and wou'd have
confess'd that Oroonoko was as capable even of reigning well, and of
governing as wisely, had as great a Soul, as
Maxims, and
was as sensible of Power as any Prince civiliz'd in the most refin'd Schools of
Humanity and Learning, or the most Illustrious Courts.
This Prince, such as I have describ'd him, whose Soul and Body were so admirably
adorn'd, was (while yet he was in the Court of his Grandfather) as I said, as capable
of Love, as 'twas possible for a brave and gallant Man to be;23and in
saying that, I have nam'd the highest Degree of Love; for sure, great Souls are most
capable of that Passion.
I have already said, the old General was kill'd by the shot of an Arrow, by the Side
of this Prince, in Battel; and that Oroonoko was made General. This old dead
Hero had one only Daughter left of his Race; a Beauty that, to describe
her truly, one need say only, she was Female to the noble Male; the beautiful
Black Venus, to our young Mars; as charming in her Person as he,
and of delicate Vertues. I have seen an hundred White Men sighing after her,
and making a thousand Vows at her Feet, all vain, and unsuccessful: And she was,
indeed, too great for any, but a Prince of her own Nation to adore.
Oroonoko coming from the Wars, (which were now ended) after he had made his
Court to his Grandfather, he thought in Honour he ought to make a Visit to
Imoinda, the Daughter of his Foster-father, the dead General; and to make
some Excuses to her, because his Preservation was the Occasion of her Father's Death;
and to present her with those Slaves that had been taken in this last Battel, as the
Trophies of her Father's Victories. When he came, attended by all the young Soldiers
of any Merit, he was infinitely surpriz'd at the Beauty of this fair Queen of Night,
whose Face and Person was so exceeding all he had ever beheld, that lovely Modesty
with which she receiv'd him, that Softness in her Look, and Sighs, upon the
melancholy Occasion of 25this Honour that was done by so great a Man as
Oroonoko, and a Prince of whom she had heard such admirable things; the
Awfulness wherewith she receiv'd him, and the Sweetness of her Words and Behaviour
while he stay'd, gain'd a perfect Conquest over his fierce Heart, and made him feel,
the Victor cou'd be subdu'd. So that having made his first Complements, and presented
her an hundred and fifty Slaves in Fetters, he told her with his Eyes, that he was
not insensible of her Charms; while Imoinda, who wish'd for nothing more
than so glorious a Conquest, was pleas'd to believe, she understood that silent
Language of new-born Love; and from that Moment, put on all her Additions to
26 The Prince return'd to Court with quite another Humour than before; and
though he did not speak much of the fair Imoinda, he had the pleasure to
hear all his Followers speak of nothing but the Charms of that Maid; insomuch that,
even in the Presence of the old King, they were extolling her, and heightning, if
possible, the Beauties they had found in her: So that nothing else was talk'd of, no
other Sound was heard in every Corner where there were Whisperers, but Imoinda!
'Twill be imagin'd Oroonoko stay'd not long before he made his second Visit;
nor, considering his Quality, not much longer before he told her, he ador'd her. I
have often heard him say, that he admir'd by what strange Inspiration he came to talk
things so soft, and27 so passionate, who never knew Love, nor was us'd to
the Conversation of Women; but (to use his own Words) he said, Most happily, some
new, and till then unknown Power instructed his Heart and Tongue in the Language of
Love, and at the same time, in favour of him, inspir'd Imoinda with a Sense
of his Passion. She was touch'd with what he said, and return'd it all in such
Answers as went to his very Heart, with a Pleasure unknown before: Nor did he use
those Obligations ill, that Love had done him; but turn'd all his happy Moments to
the best advantage; and as he knew no Vice, his Flame aim'd at nothing but Honour, if
such a distinction may be made in Love; and especially in that Country, where Men
take to themselves as many28 as they can maintain; and where the only Crime
and Sin with Woman is, to turn her off, to abandon her to Want, Shame and Misery:
Such ill Morals are only practis'd in Christian-Countries, where they prefer
the bare Name of Religion; and, without Vertue or Morality, think that's sufficient.
But Oroonoko was none of those Professors; but as he had right Notions of
Honour, so he made her such Propositions as were not only and barely such; but,
contrary to the Custom of his Country, he made her Vows, she shou'd be the only woman
he wou'd possess while he liv'd; that no Age or Wrinkles shou'd incline him to
change, for her Soul wou'd be always fine, and always young; and he shou'd have an
eternal Idea in his Mind of the Charms she now 29bore, and shou'd
look into his Heart for that Idea, when he cou'd find it no longer in her
After a thousand Assurances of his lasting Flame, and her eternal Empire over him,
she condescended to receive him for her Husband; or rather, receiv'd him, as the
greatest Honour the God's cou'd do her.
There is a certain Ceremony in these Cases to be observ'd, which I forgot to ask him
how perform'd; but 'twas concluded on both sides, that, in Obedience to him, the
Grand-father was to be first made acquainted with the Design: for they pay a most
absolute Resignation to the Monarch, especially when he is a Parent also.
On the other side, the old King, who had many Wives, and many30 Concubines,
wanted not Court-Flatterers to insinuate in his Heart a thousand tender Thoughts for
this young Beauty; and who represented her to his Fancy, as the most charming he had
ever possess'd in all the long Race of his numerous Years. At this Character his old
Heart, like an extinguish'd Brand, most apt to take Fire, felt new Sparks of Love,
and began to kindle; and now grown to his second Childhood, long'd with Impatience to
behold this gay thing, with whom, alas! he cou'd but innocently play. But how he
shou'd be confirm'd she was this Wonder, before he us'd his Power to call
her to Court (where Maidens never came, unless for the King's private Use) he was
next to consider; and while he was so doing, he had Intelligence 31brought
him, that Imoinda was most certainly Mistress to the Prince
Oroonoko. This gave him some Shagrien; however, it gave him also
an Opportunity, one Day, when the Prince was a-hunting, to wait on a Man of Quality,
as his Slave and Attendant, who shou'd go and make a Present to Imoinda, as
from the Prince; he shou'd then, unknown, see this fair Maid, and have an Opportunity
to hear what Message she wou'd return the Prince for his Present; and from thence
gather the state of her Heart, and degree of her Inclination. This was put in
Execution, and the old Monarch saw, and burnt: He found her all he had heard, and
wou'd not delay his Happiness, but found he shou'd have some Obstacle to overcome her
Heart; for she express'd 32her Sense of the Present the Prince had sent
her, in terms so sweet, so soft and pretty, with an Air of Love and Joy that cou'd
not be dissembl'd; insomuch that 'twas past doubt whether she lov'd Oroonoko
entirely. This gave the old King some Affliction; but he salv'd it with this, that
the Obedience the People pay their King, was not at all inferior to what they pay'd
their Gods: And what Love wou'd not oblige Imoinda to do, Duty wou'd compel
her to.
He was therefore no sooner got to his Apartment, but he sent the Royal Veil to
Imoinda; that is, the Ceremony of Invitation; he sends the Lady, he has a
Mind to honour with his Bed, a Veil, with which she is cover'd, and secur'd for the
King's Use; and 'tis Death to disobey; besides, held a most impious Disobedience.
33 'Tis not to be imagin'd the Surprize and Grief that seiz'd this lovely
Maid at this News and Sight. However, as Delays in these Cases are dangerous, and
Pleading worse than Treason; trembling, and almost fainting, she was oblig'd to
suffer her self to be cover'd, and led away.
They brought her thus to Court; and the King, who had caus'd a very rich Bath to be
prepar'd, was led into it, where he sate under a Canopy, in State, to receive this
long'd for Virgin; whom he having commanded shou'd be brought to him, they (after
dis-robing her) led her to the Bath, and making fast the Doors, left her to descend.
The King, without more Courtship, bad her throw off her Mantle, and come to his Arms.
But Imoinda, all in 34 Tears, threw her self on the Marble, on the
Brink of the Bath, and besought him to hear her. She told him, as she was a Maid, how
proud of the Divine Glory she should have been of having it in her power to oblige
her King: but as by the Laws, he cou'd not; and from his Royal Goodness, wou'd not
take from any Man his wedded Wife: So she believ'd she shou'd be the Occasion of
making him commit a great Sin, if she did not reveal her State and Condition; and
tell him, she was anothers, and cou'd not be so happy to be his.
The King, enrag'd at this Delay, hastily demanded the Name of the bold Man, that had
marry'd a Woman of her Degree, without his Consent. Imoinda, seeing his Eyes
fierce, and his Hands tremble; 35whether with Age, or Anger, I know not;
but she fansy'd the last, almost repented she had said so much, for now she fear'd
the Storm wou'd fall on the Prince; she therefore said a thousand things to appease
the raging of his Flame, and to prepare him to hear who it was with Calmness; but
before she spoke, he imagin'd who she meant, but wou'd not seem to do so, but
commanded her to lay aside her
, and suffer her self to receive his Caresses; or, by his Gods,
he swore, that happy Man whom she was going to name shou'd die, though it were even
Oroonoko himself. Therefore (said he) deny this Marriage,
and swear thy self a Maid. That (reply'd Imoinda) by all our Powers I do;
for I am not yet known to my Husband. 'Tis enough (said the King:) 'tis
to satisfie both my Conscience, and my Heart. And rising from his Seat, he
went, and led her into the Bath; it being in vain for her to resist.
In this time the Prince, who was return'd from Hunting, went to visit his
Imoinda, but found her gone; and not only so, but heard she had receiv'd
. This rais'd him
to a Storm; and in his Madness, they had much ado to save him from laying violent
Hands on himself. Force first prevail'd, and then Reason: They urg'd all to him, that
might oppose his Rage; but nothing weigh'd so greatly with him as the King's Old Age
uncapable of
Imoinda. He wou'd give way to that Hope, because it pleas'd him most, and
flatter'd best his Heart. Yet this 37serv'd not altogether to make him
cease his different Passions, which sometimes rag'd within him, and sometimes softned
into Showers. 'Twas not enough to appease him, to tell him, his Grand-father was old,
and cou'd not that way injure him, while he retain'd that awful Duty which the young
Men are us'd there to pay to their grave Relations. He cou'd not be convinc'd he had
no Cause to sigh and mourn for the Loss of a Mistress, he cou'd not with all his
Strength and Courage retrieve. And he wou'd often cry, O my Friends! were she in
wall'd Cities, or confin'd from me in Fortifications of the greatest Strength; did
Inchantments or Monsters detain her from me, I wou'd venture through any Hazard to
free her: Buthere, in the Arms of a feeble old Man, my Youth, my violent Love, my
Trade38in Arms, and all my vast Desire of Glory, avail me
nothing: Imoinda is as irrecoverably lost to me, as if she were snatch'd
by the cold Arms of Death: Oh! she is never to be retriev'd. If I wou'd wait
tedious Years, till Fate shou'd bow the old King to his Grave; even that wou'd not
leave me Imoinda free; but still that Custom that makes it so vile a
Crime for a Son to marry his Father's Wives or Mistresses, wou'd hinder my
Happiness; unless I wou'd either ignobly set an ill President to my Successors, or
abandon my Country, and fly with her to some unknown World, who never heard our
But it was objected to him, that his Case was not the same; for Imoinda
being his lawful Wife, by solemn Contract, 'twas he was the injur'd Man, and might,
if he so pleas'd, take Imoinda back, the 39Breach of the Law being
on his Grand-father's side; and that if he cou'd circumvent him, and redeem her from
, which is
the Palace of the King's Women, a sort of Seraglio, it was both just and
lawful for him so to do.
This Reasoning had some force upon him, and he shou'd have been entirely comforted,
but for the Thought that she was possess'd by his Grand-father. However, he lov'd so
well, that he was resolv'd to believe what most favour'd his Hope; and to endeavour
to learn from Imoinda's own Mouth, what only she cou'd satisfie him in;
whether she was robb'd of that Blessing, which was only due to his Faith and Love.
But as it was very hard to get a Sight of the Women, for no Men ever enter'd into the
Otan, but when40 the King went to entertain himself with some
one of his Wives, or Mistresses; and 'twas Death at any other time, for any other to
go in; so he knew not how to contrive to get a Sight of her.
While Oroonoko felt all the Agonies of Love, and suffer'd under a Torment
the most painful in the World, the old King was not exempted from his share of
Affliction. He was troubl'd for having been forc'd by an irresistable Passion, to rob
of a Treasure, he knew, cou'd not but
be extreamly dear to him, since she was the most beautiful that ever had been seen;
and had besides, all the Sweetness and Innocence of Youth and Modesty, with a Charm
of Wit surpassing all. He found that, however she was forc'd to expose her lovely
Person to his wither'd Arms, she 41cou'd only sigh and weep there, and
think of Oroonoko; and oftentimes cou'd not forbear speaking of him, though
her Life were, by Custom, forfeited by owning her Passion. But she spoke not of a
Lover only, but of a Prince dear to him, to whom she spoke; and of the Praises of a
Man, who, till now, fill'd the old Man's Soul with Joy at every Recital of his
Bravery, or even his Name. And 'twas this Dotage on our young Hero, that
gave Imoinda a thousand Privileges to speak of him, without offending; and
this Condescention in the old King, that made her take the Satisfaction of speaking
of him so very often.
Besides, he many times enquir'd how the Prince bore himself; and those of whom he
ask'd, being entirely Slaves to the Merits and Vertues 42 of the Prince,
still answer'd what they thought conduc'd best to his Service; which was, to make the
old King fansy that the Prince had no more Interest in Imoinda, and had
resign'd her willingly to the Pleasure of the King; that he diverted himself with his
Mathematicians, his Fortifications, his Officers, and his Hunting.
This pleas'd the old Lover, who fail'd not to report these things again to
Imoinda, that she might, by the Example of her young Lover, withdraw her
Heart, and rest better contented in his Arms. But however she was forc'd to receive
this unwelcome News, in all Appearance, with Unconcern, and Content, her Heart was
bursting within, and she was only happy when she cou'd get alone, to vent her Griefs
and Moans with Sighs and Tears.
43 What Reports of the Prince's Conduct were made to the King, he thought
good to justifie as far as possibly he cou'd by his Actions; and when he appear'd in
the Presence of the King, he shew'd a Face not at all betraying his Heart: So that in
a little time the old Man, being entirely convinc'd that he was no longer a Lover of
Imoinda, he carry'd him with him, in his Train, to the Otan,
often to banquet with his Mistress. But as soon as he enter'd, one Day, into the
Apartment of Imoinda, with the King, at the first Glance from her Eyes,
notwithstanding all his determin d Resolution, he was ready to sink in the place
where he stood; and had certainly done so, but for the Support of Aboan, a
young Man, who was next to him; which, with his Change of Countenance,44
had betray'd him, had the King chanc'd to look that way. And I have observ'd, 'tis a
very great Error in those, who laugh when one says, A Negro can change
Colour; for I have seen 'em as frequently blush, and look pale, and that as
visibly as ever I saw in the most beautiful White. And 'tis certain that
both these Changes were evident, this Day, in both these Lovers. And
Imoinda, who saw with some Joy the Change in the Prince's Face, and found
it in her own, strove to divert the King from beholding either, by a forc'd Caress,
with which she met him; which was a new Wound in the Heart of the poor dying Prince.
But as soon as the King was busy'd in looking on some fine thing of
Imoinda's making, she had time to tell the Prince with her angry,45 but Love-darting Eyes, that she resented his Coldness, and bemoan'd her own
miserable Captivity. Nor were his Eyes silent, but answer'd hers again, as much as
Eyes cou'd do, instructed by the most tender, and most passionate Heart that ever
lov'd: And they spoke so well, and so effectually, as Imoinda no longer
doubted, but she was the only Delight, and the Darling of that Soul she found
pleading in 'em its Right of Love, which none was more willing to resign than she.
And 'twas this powerful Language alone that in an Instant convey'd all the Thoughts
of their Souls to each other; that they both found, there wanted but Opportunity to
make them both entirely happy. But when he saw another Door open'd by
Onahal, a former old Wife of 46the King's, who now had Charge
of Imoinda; and saw the Prospect of a Bed of State made ready, with Sweets
and Flowers for the Dalliance of the King; who immediately lead the trembling Victim
from his Sight, into that prepar'd Repose. What Rage! what wild Frenzies seiz'd his
Heart! which forcing to keep within Bounds, and to suffer without Noise, it became
the more insupportable, and rent his Soul with ten thousand Pains. He was forc'd to
retire, to vent his Groans; where he fell down on a Carpet, and lay struggling a long
time, and only breathing now and then,—O Imoinda! When Onahal had
finish'd her necessary Affair within, shutting the Door, she came forth to wait, till
the King call'd; and hearing some one sighing in the other47 Room, she
pass'd on, and found the Prince in that deplorable Condition, which she thought
needed her Aid: She gave him Cordials, but all in vain; till finding the nature of
his Disease, by his Sighs, and naming Imoinda. She told him, he had not so
much Cause as he imagin'd, to afflict himself; for if he knew the King so well as she
did, he wou'd not lose a Moment in Jealousie, and that she was confident that
Imoinda bore, at this Minute, part in his Affliction. Aboan was
of the same Opinion; and both together, perswaded him to re-assume his Courage; and
all sitting down on the Carpet, the Prince said so many obliging things to
Onahal, that he half perswaded her to be of his Party. And she promis'd
him, she wou'd thus far comply with his just Desires, that she48 wou'd let
Imoinda know how faithful he was, what he suffer'd, and what he said.
This Discourse lasted till the King call'd, which gave Oroonoko a certain
Satisfaction; and with the Hope Onahal had made him conceive, he assum'd a
Look as gay as 'twas possible a Man in his Circumstances cou'd do; and presently
after, he was call'd in with the rest who waited without. The King commanded Musick
to be brought, and several of his young Wives and Mistresses came all together by his
Command, to dance before him; where Imoinda perform'd her Part with an Air
and Grace so passing all the rest, as her Beauty was above 'em; and receiv'd the
Present, ordain'd as a Prize. The Prince was every Moment more charm'd with the 49 new Beauties and Graces he beheld in this fair One: And while he gaz'd,
and she danc'd, Onahal was retir'd to a Window with Aboan.
This Onahal, as I said, was one of the
of the old King; and 'twas these (now past
their Beauty) that were made Guardians, or Governants to the new, and the young Ones;
and whose Business it was, to teach them all those wanton Arts of Love, with which
they prevail'd and charm'd heretofore in their Turn; and who now treated the
triumphing happy Ones with all the Severity, as to Liberty and Freedom, that was
possible, in revenge of those Honours they rob them of; envying them those
Satisfactions, those Gallantries and Presents, that were once made to themselves,
while Youth and 50Beauty lasted, and which they now saw pass were
regardless by, and pay'd only to the Bloomings. And certainly, nothing is more
afflicting to a decay'd Beauty, than to behold in it self declining Charms, that were
once ador'd; and to find those Caresses paid to new Beauties, to which once she laid
a Claim; to hear 'em whisper as she passes by, That once was a delicate
Woman. These abandon'd Ladies therefore endeavour to revenge all the
Despights, and Decays of Time, on these flourishing happy Ones. And 'twas this
Severity, that gave Oroonoko a thousand Fears he shou'd never prevail with
Onahal, to see Imoinda. But, as I said, she was now retir'd to a
Window with Aboan.
This young Man was not only one of the best Quality, but a Man 51extreamly
well made, and beautiful; and coming often to attend the King to the Otan,
he had subdu'd the Heart of the antiquated Onahal, which had not forgot how
pleasant it was to be in Love: And though she had some Decays in her Face, she had
none in her Sence and Wit; she was there agreeable still, even to Aboan's
Youth; so that he took pleasure in entertaining her with Discourses of Love: He knew
also, that to make his Court to these She-Favourites, was the way to be great; these
being the Persons that do all Affairs and Business at Court. He had also observ'd
that she had given him Glances more tender and inviting, than she had done to others
of his Quality: And now, when he saw that her Favour cou'd so absolutely oblige the
Prince, he52 fail'd not to sigh in her Ear, and to look with Eyes all soft
upon her, and give her Hope that she had made some Impressions on his Heart. He found
her pleas'd at this, and making a thousand Advances to him; but the Ceremony ending,
and the King departing, broke up the Company for that Day, and his Conversation.
Aboan fail'd not that Night to tell the Prince of his Success, and how
advantageous the Service of Onahal might be to his Amour with
Imoinda. The Prince was overjoy'd with this good News, and besought him,
if it were possible, to caress her so, as to engage her entirely; which he cou'd not
fail to do, if he comply'd with her Desires: For then (said the Prince)
her Life lying at your Mercy, she must grant you the Request you make in
my53Behalf. Aboan understood him; and assur'd him, he
would make Love so effectually, that he wou'd defie the most expert Mistress of the
Art, to find out whether he dissembl'd it, or had it really. And 'twas with
Impatience they waited the next Opportunity of going to the Otan.
The Wars came on, the Time of taking the Field approach'd, and 'twas impossible for
the Prince to delay his going at the Head of his Army, to encounter the Enemy: So
that every Day seem'd a tedious Year, till he saw his Imoinda; for he
believ'd he cou'd not live, if he were forc'd away without being so happy. 'Twas with
Impatience therefore, that he expected the next Visit the King wou'd make; and,
according to his Wish, it was not long.
54 The Parley of the Eyes of these two Lovers had not pass'd so secretly,
but an old jealous Lover cou'd spy it; or rather, he wanted not Flatterers, who told
him, they observ'd it: So that the Prince was hasten'd to the Camp, and this was the
last Visit he found he shou'd make to the Otan; he therefore urg'd
Aboan to make the best of this last Effort, and to explain himself so to
Onahal, that she, deferring her Enjoyment of her young Lover no longer,
might make way for the Prince to speak to Imoinda.
The whole Affair being agreed on between the Prince and Aboan, they attended
the King, as the Custom was, to the Otan; where, while the whole Company was
taken up in beholding the Dancing, and antick Postures the Women55 Royal
made, to divert the King, Onahal singl'd out Aboan, whom she found
most pliable to her Wish. When she had him where she believ'd she cou'd not be heard,
she sigh'd to him, and softly cry'd, Ah, Aboan! When will you be
sensible of my Passion? I confess it with my Mouth, because I wou'd not give my
Eyes the Lye; and you have but too much already perceiv'd they have confess'd my
Flame: Nor wou'd I have you believe, that because I am the abandon'd Mistress of a
King, I esteem my self altogether divested of Charms. No, Aboan; I have
still a Rest of Beauty enough engaging, and have learn'd to please too well, not
to be desirable. I can have Lovers still, but will have none but Aboan.
Madam (reply'd the half-feigning Youth) you have already, by my Eyes,
found, you can still conquer; and I believe 'tis in pity of me,56you condescend to this kind Confession. But, Madam, Words are us'd to be so
small a part of our Country-Courtship, that 'tis rare one can get so happy an
Opportunity as to tell one's Heart; and those few Minutes we have are forc'd to be
snatch'd for more certain Proofs of Love, than speaking and sighing; and such I
languish for.
He spoke this with such a Tone, that she hop'd it true, and cou'd not forbear
believing it; and being wholly transported with Joy, for having subdu'd the finest of
all the King's Subjects to her Desires, she took from her Ears two large Pearls, and
commanded him to wear 'em in his. He wou'd have refus'd 'em, crying, Madam, these
are not the Proofs of your Love that I expect; 'tis Opportunity, 'tis a Lonehour
only, that can make me happy. But forcing the Pearls into his57
Hand, she whisper'd softly to him, Oh! Do not fear a Woman's Invention, when Love
sets her a-thinking. And pressing his Hand, she cry'd, This Night you
shall be happy. Come to the Gate of the Orange-Groves, behind the Otan;
and I will be ready, about Mid-night, to receive you. 'Twas thus agreed,
and she left him, that no notice might be taken of their speaking together.
The Ladies were still dancing, and the King, laid on a Carpet, with a great deal of
pleasure, was beholding them, especially Imoinda; who that Day appear'd more
lovely than ever, being enliven'd with the good Tidings Onahal had brought
her of the constant Passion the Prince had for her. The Prince was laid on another
Carpet, at the other end of the Room, with his Eyes fix'd on the Object 58
of his Soul; and as she turn'd, or mov'd, so did they; and she alone gave his Eyes
and Soul their Motions: Nor did Imoinda employ her Eyes to any other Use,
than in beholding with infinite Pleasure the Joy she produc'd in those of the Prince.
But while she was more regarding him, than the Steps she took, she chanc'd to fall;
and so near him, as that leaping with extream force from the Carpet, he caught her in
his Arms as she fell; and 'twas visible to the whole Presence, the Joy wherewith he
receiv'd her: He clasp'd her close to his Bosom, and quite forgot that Reverence that
was due to the Mistress of a King, and that Punishment that is the Reward of a
Boldness of this nature; and had not the Presence of Mind of Imoinda (fonder
of his Safety, than her59 own) befriended him, in making her spring from
his Arms, and fall into her Dance again, he had, at that Instant, met his Death; for
the old King, jealous to the last degree, rose up in Rage, broke all the Diversion,
and led Imoinda to her Apartment, and sent out Word to the Prince, to go
immediately to the Camp; and that if he were found another Night in Court, he shou'd
suffer the Death ordain'd for disobedient Offenders.
You may imagine how welcome this News was to Oroonoko, whose unseasonable
Transport and Caress of Imoinda was blam'd by all Men that lov'd him; and
now he perceiv'd his Fault, yet cry'd, That for such another Moment, he wou'd be
content to die.
All the Otan was in disorder about this Accident; and Onahal60 was particularly concern'd, because on the Prince's Stay depended her
Happiness; for she cou'd no longer expect that of Aboan. So that, e'er they
departed, they contriv'd it so, that the Prince and he shou'd come both that Night to
the Grove of the Otan, which was all of Oranges and Citrons; and that there
they shou'd wait her Orders.
They parted thus, with Grief enough, till Night; leaving the King in possession of
the lovely Maid. But nothing cou'd appease the Jealousie of the old Lover: He wou'd
not be impos'd on, but wou'd have it, that Imoinda made a false Step on
purpose to fall into Oroonoko's Bosom, and that all things look'd like a
Design on both sides, and 'twas in vain she protested her Innocence: He was old and
obstinate, and left her more 61 than half assur'd that his Fear was
The King going to his Apartment, sent to know where the Prince was, and if he
intended to obey his Command. The Messenger return'd, and told him, he found the
Prince pensive, and altogether unpreparing for the Campaign; that he lay negligently
on the Ground, and answer'd very little. This confirm'd the Jealousie of the King,
and he commanded that they shou'd very narrowly and privately watch his Motions; and
that he shou'd not stir from his Apartment, but one Spy or other shou'd be employ'd
to watch him: So that the Hour approaching, wherein he was to go to the Citron-Grove;
and taking only Aboan along with him, he leaves his Apartment, and was
watch'd to the62 very Gate of the Otan; where he was seen to
enter, and where they left him, to carry back the Tidings to the King.
Oroonoko and Aboan were no sooner enter'd, but Onahal led
the Prince to the Apartment of Imoinda; who, not knowing any thing of her
Happiness, was laid in Bed. But Onahal only left him in her Chamber, to make
the best of his Opportunity, and took her dear Aboan to her own; where he
shew'd the heighth of Complaisance for his Prince, when, to give him an Opportunity,
he suffer'd himself to be caress'd in Bed by Onahal.
The Prince softly waken'd Imoinda, who was not a little surpriz'd with Joy
to find him there; and yet she trembl'd with a thousand Fears. I believe, he omitted
saying nothing to this young Maid, 63that might perswade her to suffer him
to seize his own, and take the Rights of Love; and I believe she was not long
resisting those Arms, where she so long'd to be; and having Opportunity, Night and
Silence, Youth, Love and Desire, he soon prevail'd; and ravish'd in a Moment, what
his old Grand-father had been endeavouring for so many Months.
'Tis not to be imagin'd the Satisfaction of these two young Lovers; nor the Vows she
made him, that she remain'd a spotless Maid, till that Night; and that what she did
with his Grand-father, had robb'd him of no part of her Virgin-Honour, the Gods, in
Mercy and Justice, having reserv'd that for her plighted Lord, to whom of Right it
belong'd. And 'tis impossible to express the Transports64 he suffer'd,
while he listen'd to a Discourse so charming, from her lov'd Lips; and clasp'd that
Body in his Arms, for whom he had so long languish'd; and nothing now afflicted him,
but his suddain Departure from her; for he told her the Necessity, and his Commands;
but shou'd depart satisfy'd in this, That since the old King had hitherto not been
able to deprive him of those Enjoyments which only belong'd to him, he believ'd for
the future he wou'd be less able to injure him; so that, abating the Scandal of the
Veil, which was no otherwise so, than that she was Wife to another: He believ'd her
safe, even in the Arms of the King, and innocent; yet wou'd he have ventur'd at the
Conquest of the World, and have given it all, to have had her avoided that Honour 65of receiving the Royal Veil. 'Twas thus, between a thousand
Caresses, that both bemoan'd the hard Fate of Youth and Beauty, so liable to that
cruel Promotion: 'Twas a Glory that cou'd well have been spar'd here, though desir'd,
and aim'd at by all the young Females of that Kingdom.
But while they were thus fondly employ'd, forgetting how Time ran on, and that the
Dawn must conduct him far away from his only Happiness, they heard a great Noise in
the Otan, and unusual Voices of Men; at which the Prince, starting from the
Arms of the frighted Imoinda, ran to a little Battel-Ax he us'd to wear by
his Side; and having not so much leisure, as to put on his Habit, he oppos'd himself
against some who were already opening the Door; 66which they did with so
much Violence, that Oroonoko was not able to defend it; but was forc'd to
cry out with a commanding Voice, Whoever ye are that have the Boldness to attempt
to approach this Apartment thus rudely, know, that I, the Prince Oroonoko,
will revenge it with the certain Death of him that first enters: Therefore
stand back, and know, this place is sacred to Love, and me this Night; to Morrow
'tis the King's.
This he spoke with a Voice so resolv'd and assur'd, that they soon retir'd from the
Door, but cry'd, 'Tis by the King's Command we are come; and being satisfy'd by
thy Voice, O Prince, as much as if we had enter'd, we can report to the King the
Truth of all his Fears, and leave thee to provide for thy own Safety, as thou art
advis'd by thy Friends.
67 At these Words they departed, and left the Prince to take a short and
sad Leave of his Imoinda; who trusting in the strength of her Charms,
believ'd she shou'd appease the Fury of a jealous King, by saying, She was surpriz'd,
and that it was by force of Arms he got into her Apartment. All her Concern now was
for his Life, and therefore she hasten'd him to the Camp; and with much a-do,
prevail'd on him to go: Nor was it she alone that prevail'd, Aboan and
Onahal both pleaded, and both assur'd him of a Lye that shou'd be well
enough contriv'd to secure Imoinda. So that, at last, with a Heart sad as
Death, dying Eyes, and sighing Soul, Oroonoko departed, and took his way to
the Camp.
68 It was not long after the King in Person came to the Otan;
where beholding Imoinda with Rage in his Eyes, he upbraided her Wickedness
and Perfidy, and threatning her Royal Lover, she fell on her Face at his Feet,
bedewing the Floor with her Tears, and imploring his Pardon for a Fault which she had
not with her Will committed; as Onahal, who was also prostrate with her,
cou'd testifie: That, unknown to her, he had broke into her Apartment, and ravish'd
her. She spoke this much against her Conscience; but to save her own Life, 'twas
absolutely necessary she shou'd feign this Falsity. She knew it cou'd not injure the
Prince, he being fled to-an-Army that wou'd stand by him, against any Injuries that
shou'd assault him. However, 69this last Thought of Imoinda's
being ravish'd, chang'd the Measures of his Revenge; and whereas before he design'd
to be himself her Executioner, he now resolv'd she shou'd not die. But as it is the
greatest Crime in nature amongst 'em to touch a Woman, after having been possess'd by
a Son, a Father, or a Brother; so now he look'd on Imoinda as a polluted
thing, wholly unfit for his Embrace; nor wou'd he resign her to his Grand-son,
because she had receiv'd the Royal Veil. He therefore removes her from the
Otan, with Onahal; whom he put into safe Hands, with Order they
shou'd be both sold off, as Slaves, to another Country, either Christian, or
Heathen; 'twas no matter where.
70 This cruel Sentence, worse than Death, they implor'd, might be revers'd;
but their Prayers were vain, and it was put in Execution accordingly, and that with
so much Secrecy, that none, either without, or within the Otan, knew any
thing of their Absence, or their Destiny.
The old King, nevertheless, executed this with a great deal of Reluctancy; but he
believ'd he had made a very great Conquest over himself, when he had once resolv'd,
and had perform'd what he resolv'd. He believ'd now, that his Love had been unjust;
and that he cou'd not expect the Gods, or
, (as they call the unknown Power) shou'd suffer a better
Consequence from so ill a Cause. He now begins to hold Oroonoko excus'd; and
71to say, he had Reason for what he did: And now every Body cou'd assure
the King, how passionately Imoinda was belov'd by the Prince; even those
confess'd it now, who said the contrary before his Flame was abated. So that the King
being old, and not able to defend himself in War, and having no Sons of all his Race
remaining alive, but only this, to maintain him on his Throne; and looking on this as
a Man disoblig'd, first by the Rape of his Mistress, or rather, Wife; and now by
depriving of him wholly of her, he fear'd, might make him desperate, and do some
cruel thing, either to himself, or his old Grand-father, the Offender; he began to
repent him extreamly of the Contempt he had, in his Rage, put on Imoinda.
Besides, he consider'd he ought in72 Honour to have kill'd her, for this
Offence, if it had been one: He ought to have had so much Value and Consideration for
a Maid of her Quality, as to have nobly put her to death; and not to have sold her
like a common Slave, the greatest Revenge, and the most disgraceful of any; and to
which they a thousand times prefer Death, and implore it; as Imoinda did,
but cou'd not obtain that Honour. Seeing therefore it was certain that
Oroonoko wou'd highly resent this Affront, he thought good to make some
Excuse for his Rashness to him; and to that End he sent a Messenger to the Camp, with
Orders to treat with him about the Master, to gain his Pardon, and to endeavour to
mitigate his Grief; but that by no means he shou'd tell him, she was sold, but
secretly put to death; 73 for he knew he shou'd. never obtain his Pardon
for the other.
When the Messenger came, he found the Prince upon the point of Engaging with the
Enemy; but as soon as he heard of the Arrival of the Messenger, he commanded him to
his Tent, where he embrac'd him, and receiv'd him with Joy; which was soon abated, by
the down-cast Looks of the Messenger, who was instantly demanded the Cause by
Oroonoko, who, impatient of Delay, ask'd a thousand Questions in a
Breath; and all concerning Imoinda: But there needed little Return, for he
cou'd almost answer himself of all he demanded, from his Sighs and Eyes. At last, the
Messenger casting himself at the Prince's Feet, and kissing them, with all the
Submission of a Man that had something to implore74 which he dreaded to
utter, he besought him to hear with Calmness what he had to deliver to him, and to
call up all his noble and Heroick Courage, to encounter with his Words, and defend
himself against the ungrateful things he must relate. Oroonoko reply'd, with
a deep Sigh, and a languishing Voice,—I am arm'd against their worst Efforts—;
for I know they will tell me, Imoinda is no more—; and after that, you
may spare the rest. Then, commanding him to rise, he laid himself on a
Carpet, under a rich Pavillion, and remain'd a good while silent, and was hardly
heard to sigh. When he was come a little to himself, the Messenger ask'd him leave to
deliver that part of his Embassy, which the Prince had not yet devin'd: And the
Prince cry'd, I permit thee—Then he told him the Affliction 75 the
old King was in, for the Rashness he had committed in his Cruelty to
Imoinda; and how he daign'd to ask Pardon for his Offence, and to implore
the Prince wou'd not suffer that Loss to touch his Heart too sensibly, which now all
the Gods cou'd not restore him, but might recompence him in Glory, which he begg'd he
wou'd pursue; and that Death, that common Revenger of all Injuries, wou'd soon even
the Account between him, and a feeble old Man.
Oroonoko bad him return his Duty to his Lord and Master; and to assure him,
there was no Account of Revenge to be adjusted between them; if there were, 'twas he
was the Agressor, and that Death wou'd be just, and, his Age, wou'd see him righted;
and he was contented to leave his Share of 76Glory to Youths more
fortunate, and worthy of that Favour from the Gods. That henceforth he wou'd never
lift a Weapon, or draw a Bow; but abandon the small Remains of his Life to Sighs and
Tears, and the continual Thoughts of what his Lord and Grand-father had thought good
to send out of the World, with all that Youth, that Innocence, and Beauty.
After having spoken this, whatever his greatest Officers, and Men of the best Rank
could do, they cou'd not raise him from the Carpet, or perswade him to Action, and
Resolutions of Life; but commanding all to retire, he shut himself into his Pavillion
all that Day, while the Enemy was ready to engage; and wondring at the Delay, the
whole Body of the chief77of the Army then address'd themselves to him, and
to whom they had much a-do to get Admittance. They fell on their Faces at the Foot of
his Carpet; where they lay, and besought him with earnest Prayers and Tears, to lead
'em forth to Battel, and not let the Enemy take Advantages of them; and implor'd him
to have regard to his Glory, and to the World, that depended on his Courage and
Conduct. But he made no other Reply to all their Supplications but this, That he had
now no more Business for Glory; and for the World, it was a Trifle not worth his
Care. Go, (continu'd he, sighing) and divide it amongst you; and reap
with Joy what you so vainly prize, and leave me to my more welcome Destiny.
They then demanded what they shou'd do, and whom he 78 wou'd constitute in
his Room, that the Confusion of ambitious Youth and Power might not ruin their Order,
and make them a Prey to the Enemy. He reply'd, He wou'd not give himself the
Trouble—; but wish'd 'em to chuse the bravest Man amongst 'em, let his Quality or
Birth be what it wou'd: For, O my Friends (said he!) it is not Titles
make Men brave, or good; or Birth that bestows Courage and Generosity, or makes
the Owner happy. Believe this, when you behold Oroonoko, the most
wretched, and abandon'd by Fortune, of all the Creation of the Gods. So
turning himself about, he wou'd make no more Reply to all they cou'd urge or
The Army beholding their Officers return unsuccessful, with sad Faces, and ominous
Looks, that 79 presag'd no good Luck, suffer'd a thousand Fears to take
Possession of their Hearts, and the Enemy to come even upon 'em, before they wou'd
provide for their Safety, by any Defence; and though they were assur'd by some, who
had a mind to animate 'em, that they shou'd be immediately headed by the Prince, and
that in the mean time Aboan had Orders to command as General; yet they were
so dismay'd for want of that great Example of Bravery, that they cou'd make but a
very feeble Resistance; and at last, down-right, fled before the Enemy, who pursu'd
'em to the very Tents, killing 'em: Nor cou'd all Aboan's Courage, which
that Day gain'd him immortal Glory, shame 'em into a Manly Defence of themselves. The
Guards that were left behind, 80about the Prince's Tent, seeing the
Soldiers flee before the Enemy, and scatter themselves all over the Plain, in great
Disorder, made such Out-cries as rouz'd the Prince from his amorous Slumber, in which
he had remain'd bury'd for two Days, without permitting any Sustenance to approach
him: But, in spight of all his Resolutions, he had not the Constancy of Grief to that
Degree, as to make him insensible of the Danger of his Army; and in that Instant he
leap'd from his Couch, and cry'd,—Come, if we must die, let us meet Death the
noblest Way; and 'twill be more like Oroonoko to encounter him at an
Army's Head, opposing the Torrent of a conquering Foe, than lazily, on a Couch, to
wait his lingering Pleasure, and die every Moment by a thousand wrecking Thought;
or be tamely taken by an
81Enemy, and led a whining, Love-sick Slave, to adorn the Triumphs
of Jamoan, that young Victor, who already is enter'd beyond the Limits I
had prescrib d him.
While he was speaking, he suffer'd his People to dress him for the Field; and
sallying out of his Pavillion, with more Life and Vigour in his Countenance than ever
he shew'd, he appear'd like some Divine Power descended to save his Country from
Destruction; and his People had purposely put him on all things that might make him
shine with most Splendor, to strike a reverend Awe into the Beholders. He flew into
the thickest of those that were pursuing his Men; and being animated with Despair, he
fought as if he came on purpose to die, and did such things as will not be believ'd
that Humane 82 Strength cou'd perform; and such as soon inspir'd all the
rest with new Courage, and new Order: And now it was, that they began to fight
indeed; and so, as if they wou'd not be out-done, even by their ador'd Hero;
who turning the Tide of the Victory, changing absolutely the Fate of the Day, gain'd
an entire Conquest; and Oroonoko having the good Fortune to single out
Jamoan, he took him Prisoner with his own Hand, having wounded him almost
to death.
This Jamoan afterwards became very dear to him, being a Man very gallant,
and of excellent Graces, and fine Parts; so that he never put him amongst the Rank of
Captives, as they us'd to do, without distinction, for the common Sale, or Market;
but kept him83 in his own Court, where he retain'd nothing of the Prisoner,
but the Name, and return'd no more into his own Country, so great an Affection he
took for Oroonoko; and by a thousand Tales and Adventures of Love and
Gallantry, flatter'd his Disease of Melancholy and Languishment; which I have often
heard him say, had certainly kill'd him, but for the Conversation of this Prince and
Aboan, the French Governor he had from his Childhood, of whom I
have spoken before, and who was a Man of admirable Wit, great Ingenuity and Learning;
all which he had infus'd into his young Pupil. This French-Man was banish'd
out of his own Country, for some Heretical Notions he held; and though he was a Man
of very little Religion, he 84 had admirable Morals, and a brave Soul.
After the total Defeat of Jamoan's Army, which all fled, or were left dead
upon the Place, they spent some time in the Camp; Oroonoko chusing rather to
remain a while there in his Tents, than enter into a Place, or live in a Court where
he had so lately suffer d so great a Loss. The Officers therefore, who saw and knew
his Cause of Discontent, invented all sorts of Diversions and Sports, to entertain
their Prince: So that what with those Amuzements abroad, and others at home, that is,
within their Tents, with the Perswasions, Arguments and Care of his Friends and
Servants that he more peculiarly priz'd, he wore off in time a great part of that
, and Torture of Despair,85 which the first Efforts of
Imoinda's Death had given him: Insomuch as having receiv'd a thousand
kind Embassies from the King, and Invitations to return to Court, he obey'd, though
with no little Reluctancy; and when he did so, there was a visible Change in him, and
for a long time he was much more melancholy than before. But Time lessens all
Extreams, and reduces 'em to Mediums and Unconcern; but no Motives or
Beauties, though all endeavour'd it, cou'd engage him in any sort of Amour, though he
had all the Invitations to it, both from his own Youth, and others Ambitions and
Oroonoko was no sooner return'd from this last Conquest, and receiv'd at
Court with all the Joy 86 and Magnificence that cou'd be express'd to a
young Victor, who was not only return'd triumphant, but belov'd like a Deity, when
there arriv'd in the Port an English Ship.
had often before been in these Countries, and was very well known to
Oroonoko, with whom he had traffick'd for Slaves, and had us'd to do the
same with his Predecessors.
This Commander was a Man of a finer sort of Address, and Conversation, better bred,
and more engaging, than most of that sort of Men are; so that he seem'd rather never
to have been bred out of a Court, than almost all his Life at Sea. This Captain
therefore was always better receiv'd at Court, than most of the Traders to those
Countries were; and 87especially by Oroonoko, who was more
civiliz'd, according to the European Mode, than any other had been, and took
more Delight in the White Nations; and, above all, Men of Parts and Wit. To
this Captain he sold abundance of his Slaves; and for the Favour and Esteem he had
for him, made him many Presents, and oblig'd him to stay at Court as long as possibly
he cou'd. Which the Captain seem'd to take as a very great Honour done him,
entertaining the Prince every Day with Globes and Maps, and Mathematical Discourses
and Instruments; eating, drinking, hunting and living with him with so much
Familiarity, that it was not to be doubted, but he had gain'd very greatly upon the
Heart of this gallant young Man. And the Captain,88in Return of all these
mighty Favours, besought the Prince to honour his Vessel with his Presence, some Day
or other, to Dinner, before he shou'd set Sail; which he condescended to accept, and
appointed his Day. The Captain, on his part, fail'd not to have all things in a
Readiness, in the most magnificent Order he cou'd possibly: And the Day being come,
the Captain, in his Boat, richly adorn'd with Carpets and Velvet-Cushions, row'd to
the Shoar to receive the Prince; with another Long-Boat, where was plac'd all his
Musick and Trumpets, with which Oroonoko was extreamly delighted; who met
him on the Shoar, attended by his French Governor, Jamoan, Aboan,
and about an hundred of the noblest of the Youths of the89Court: And after
they had first carry'd the Prince on Board, the Boats fetch'd the rest off; where
they found a very splendid Treat, with all sorts of fine Wines; and were as well
entertain'd, as 'twas possible in such a place to be.
The Prince having drunk hard of Punch, and several Sorts of Wine, as did all the rest
(for great Care was taken, they shou'd want nothing of that part of the
Entertainment) was very merry, and in great Admiration of the Ship, for he had never
been in one before; so that he was curious of beholding every place, where he
decently might descend. The rest, no less curious, who were not quite overcome with
Drinking, rambl'd at their pleasure Fore and Aft, as their Fancies
guided 'em: So that the Captain, who had90 well laid his Design before,
gave the Word, and seiz'd on all his Guests; they clapping great Irons suddenly on
the Prince, when he was leap'd down in the Hold, to view that part of the Vessel; and
locking him fast down, secur'd him. The same Treachery was us'd to all the rest; and
all in one Instant, in several places of the Ship, were lash'd fast in Irons, and
betray'd to Slavery. That great Design over, they set all Hands to work to hoise
Sail; and with as treacherous and fair a Wind, they made from the Shoar with this
innocent and glorious Prize, who thought of nothing less than such an
Some have commended this Act, as brave, in the Captain; but I will spare my Sence of
it, and leave it to my Reader, to judge as he pleases.
91 It may be easily guess'd, in what manner the Prince resented this
Indignity, who may be best resembl'd to a Lion taken in a Toil; so he rag'd, so he
struggl'd for Liberty, but all in vain; and they had so wisely manag'd his Fetters,
that he cou'd not use a Hand in his Defence, to quit himself of a Life that wou'd by
no Means endure Slavery; nor cou'd he move from the Place, where he was ty'd, to any
solid part of the Ship, against which he might have beat his Head, and have finish'd
his Disgrace that way: So that being deprived of all other means, he resolved to
perish for want of Food: And pleased at last with that Thought, and toil'd and tired
by Rage and Indignation, he laid himself down, and sullenly resolved upon dying,92 and refused all things that were brought him.
This did not a little vex the Captain, and the more so, because, he found almost all
of 'em of the same Humour; so that the loss of so many brave Slaves, so tall and
goodly to behold, wou'd have been very considerable: He therefore order'd one to go
from him (for he wou'd not be seen himself) to Oroonoko, and to assure him
he was afflicted for having rashly done so unhospitable a Deed, and which cou'd not
be now remedied, since they were far from shore; but since he resented it in so high
a nature, he assur'd him he wou'd revoke his Resolution, and set both him and his
Friends a-shore on the next Land they shou'd touch at; and of this the Messenger gave
93 him his Oath, provided he wou'd resolve to live: And
Oroonoko, whose Honour was such as he never had violated a Word in his
Life himself, much less a solemn Asseveration; believ'd in an instant what this Man
said, but reply'd, He expected for a Confirmation of this, to have his shameful
Fetters dismiss'd. This Demand was carried to the Captain, who return'd him
answer, That the Offence had been so great which he had put upon the Prince, that he
durst not trust him with Liberty while he remained in the Ship, for fear lest by a
Valour natural to him, and a Revenge that would animate that Valour, he might commit
some Outrage fatal to himself and the King his Master, to whom his Vessel
did belong. To this Oroonoko replied,94 he would engage his Honour
to behave himself in all friendly Order and Manner, and obey the Command of the
Captain, as he was Lord of the King's Vessel, and General of
those Men under his Command.
This was deliver'd to the still doubting Captain, who could not resolve to
trust a Heathen he said, upon his , a Man that had no sence or
notion of the God that he Worshipp'd. Oroonoko then replied, He was very
sorry to hear that the Captain pretended to the Knowledge and Worship of any
Gods, who had taught him no better Principles, than not to Credit as he
would be Credited: but they told him the Difference of their Faith occasion'd that
Distrust: For the Captain had protested to him upon the Word of a
Christian,95 and sworn in the Name of a Great GOD;
which if he shou'd violate, he would expect eternal Torment in the World to come.
Is that all the Obligation he has to be Just to his Oath, replied
Oroonoko? Let him know I Swear by my Honour, which to violate, wou'd not only
render me contemptible and despised by all brave and honest Men, and so give my
self perpetual pain, but it wou'd be eternally offending and diseasing all
Mankind, harming, betraying, circumventing and outraging all Men; but Punishments
hereafter are suffer'd by ones self; and the World takes no cognizances whether
this God have revenged em, or not, tis done so secretly, and deferr'd so
long: While the Man of no Honour, suffers every moment the scorn and contempt of
the honester World, and dies every day ignominiously in his Fame, which96
is more valuable than Life: I speak not this to move Belief, but to shew you how
you mistake, when you imagine, That he who will violate his Honour, will keep his
Word with his Gods. So turning from him with a disdainful smile, he refused
to answer him, when he urg'd him to know what Answer he shou'd carry back to his
Captain; so that he departed without saying any more.
The Captain pondering and consulting what to do, it was concluded that
nothing but Oroonoko's Liberty wou'd encourage any of the rest to eat,
except the French-man, whom the Captain cou'd not pretend to keep
Prisoner, but only told him he was secured because he might act something in favour
of the Prince, but that he shou'd be freed as soon 97 as they came to Land.
So that they concluded it wholly necessary to free the Prince from his Irons, that he
might show himself to the rest; that they might have an Eye upon him, and that they
cou'd not fear a single Man.
This being resolv'd, to make the Obligation the greater, the Captain himself went to
Oroonoko; where, after many Complements, and Assurances of what he had
already promis'd, he receiving from the Prince his Parole, and his Hand, for
his good Behaviour, dismiss'd his Irons, and brought him to his own Cabin; where,
after having treated and repos'd him a while, for he had neither eat nor slept in
four Days before, he besought him to visit those obstinate People in Chains, who
refus'd all manner 98 of Sustenance; and intreated him to oblige 'em to
eat, and assure 'em of their Liberty the first Opportunity.
Oroonoko, who was too generous, not to give Credit to his Words, shew'd
himself to his People, who were transported with Excess of Joy at the sight of their
Darling Prince; falling at his Feet, and kissing and embracing 'em; believing, as
some Divine Oracle, all he assur'd 'em. But he besought 'em to bear their Chains with
that Bravery that became those whom he had seen act so nobly in Arms; and that they
cou'd not give him greater Proofs of their Love and Friendship, since 'twas all the
Security the Captain (his Friend) cou'd have, against the Revenge, he said, they
might possibly justly take, for the 99 Injuries sustain'd by him. And they
all, with one Accord, assur'd him, they cou'd not suffer enough, when it was for his
Repose and Safety.
After this they no longer refus'd to eat, but took what was brought 'em, and were
pleas'd with their Captivity, since by it they hop'd to redeem the Prince, who, all
the rest of the Voyage, was treated with all the Respect due to his Birth, though
nothing cou'd divert his Melancholy; and he wou'd often sigh for Imoinda,
and think this a Punishment due to his Misfortune, in having left that noble Maid
behind him, that fatal Night, in the Otan, when he fled to the Camp.
Possess'd with a thousand Thoughts of past Joys with this fair young Person, and a
thousand 100 Griefs for her eternal Loss, he endur'd a tedious Voyage, and
at last arriv'd at the Mouth of the River of Surinam, a Colony belonging to
the King of England, and where they were to deliver some part of their
Slaves. There the Merchants and Gentlemen of the Country going on Board, to demand
those Lots of Slaves they had already agreed on; and, amongst those, the Over-seers
of those Plantations where I then chanc'd to be, the Captain, who had given the Word,
order'd his Men to bring up those noble Slaves in Fetters, whom I have spoken of; and
having put 'em, some in one, and some in other Lots, with Women and Children (which
they call ,) they sold 'em off, as Slaves, to several
Merchants and Gentlemen; not 101putting any two in one Lot, because they
wou'd separate 'em far from each other; not daring to trust 'em together, lest Rage
and Courage shou'd put 'em upon contriving some great Action, to the Ruin of the
Oroonoko was first seiz'd on, and sold to our Over-seer, who had the first
Lot, with seventeen more of all sorts and sizes; but not one of Quality with him.
When he saw this, he found what they meant; for, as I said, he understood
English pretty well; and being wholly unarm'd and defenceless, so as it
was in vain to make any Resistance, he only beheld the Captain with a Look all fierce
and disdainful, upbraiding him with Eyes, that forc'd Blushes on his guilty Cheeks,
he only cry'd, in passing over the Side of the Ship, 102Farewel, Sir:
'Tis worth my Suffering, to gain so true a Knowledge both of you, and of your Gods
by whom you swear. And desiring those that held him to forbear their pains,
and telling 'em he wou'd make no Resistance, he cry'd, Come, my Fellow-Slaves;
let as descend, and see if we can meet with more Honour and Honesty in the next
World we shall touch upon. So he nimbly leap'd into the Boat, and shewing no
more Concern, suffer'd himself to be row'd up the River, with his seventeen
The Gentleman that bought him was a young Cornish Gentleman, whose Name was
Trefry; a Man of great Wit, and fine Learning, and was carry'd into those
Parts by the , to manage all his Affairs.
He reflecting on the last Words of Oroonoko to the 103Captain, and
beholding the Richness of his , no sooner came into the Boat, but he fix'd his Eyes on him; and
finding something so extraordinary in his Face, his Shape and Mien, a Greatness of
Look, and Haughtiness in his Air, and finding he spoke English, had a great
mind to be enquiring into his Quality and Fortune; which, though Oroonoko
endeavour'd to hide, by only confessing he was above the Rank of common Slaves,
Trefry soon found he was yet something greater than he confess'd; and
from that Moment began to conceive so vast an Esteem for him, that he ever after
lov'd him as his dearest Brother, and shew'd him all the Civilities due to so great a
Trefry was a very good Mathematician, and a Linguist; cou'd104
speak French and Spanish; and in the three Days they remain'd in
the Boat (for so long were they going from the Ship, to the Plantation) he
entertain'd Oroonoko so agreeably with his Art and Discourse, that he was no
less pleas'd with Trefry, than he was with the Prince; and he thought
himself, at least, fortunate in this, that since he was a Slave, as long as he wou'd
suffer himself to remain so, he had a Man of so excellent Wit and Parts for a Master:
So that before they had finish'd their Voyage up the River, he made no scruple of
declaring to Trefry all his Fortunes, and most part of what I have here
related, and put himself wholly into the Hands of his new Friend, whom he found
resenting all the Injuries were done him, and was charm'd with all the Greatnesses of
his Actions; 105which were recited with that Modesty, and delicate Sence,
as wholly vanquish'd him, and subdu'd him to his Interest. And he promis'd him on his
Word and Honour, he wou'd find the Means to re-conduct him to his own Country again:
assuring him, he had a perfect Abhorrence of so dishonourable an Action; and that he
wou'd sooner have dy'd, than have been the Author of such a Perfidy. He found the
Prince was very much concern'd to know what became of his Friends, and how they took
their Slavery; and Trefry promis'd to take care about the enquiring after
their Condition, and that he shou'd have an Account of 'em.
Though, as Oroonoko afterwards said, he had little Reason to credit the
Words of a , yet he knew
not why; but he saw a kind106 of Sincerity, and awful Truth in the Face of
Trefry; he saw an Honesty in his Eyes, and he found him wise and witty
enough to understand Honour; for it was one of his Maxims, A Man of Wit cou'd not
be a Knave or Villain.
In their passage up the , they put in at several Houses for Refreshment; and ever
when they landed, numbers of People wou'd flock to behold this Man; not but their
Eyes were daily entertain'd with the sight of Slaves, but the Fame of
Oroonoko was gone before him, and all People were in Admiration of his
Beauty. Besides, he had a rich Habit on, in which he was taken, so different from the
rest, and which the Captain cou'd not strip him of, because he was forc'd to surprize
his Person in the Minute he sold him. When he found his107 Habit made him
liable, as he thought, to be gaz'd at the more, he begg'd Trefry to give him
something more befitting a Slave; which he did, and took off his Robes. Nevertheless,
he shone through all; and his (a sort of brown
Holland Suit he had on) cou'd not conceal the Graces of his Looks and
Mien; and he had no less Admirers, than when he had his dazeling Habit on: The Royal
Youth appear'd in spight of the Slave, and People cou'd not help treating him after a
different manner, without designing it: As soon as they approach'd him, they
venerated and esteem'd him; his Eyes insensibly commanded Respect, and his Behaviour
insinuated it into every Soul. So that there was nothing talk'd of but this young and
gallant Slave, even by those who yet knew not that he was a Prince.
108 I ought to tell you, that the Christians never buy any Slaves
but they give 'em some Name of their own, their native ones being likely very
barbarous, and hard to pronounce; so that Mr. Trefry gave Oroonoko
that of ; which Name will live in that Country as long as that (scarce
more) glorious one of the great Roman; for 'tis most evident, he wanted no
part of the Personal Courage of that Caesar, and acted things as memorable,
had they been done in some part of the World replenish'd with People, and Historians,
that might have given him his due. But his Misfortune was, to fall in an obscure
World, that afforded only a Female Pen to celebrate his Fame; though I doubt not but
it had liv'd from others Endeavours, if the Dutch, who, immediately after
his 109Time, took that , had not kill'd, banish'd and
dispers'd all those that were capable of giving the World this great Man's Life, much
better than I have done. And Mr. Trefry, who design'd it, dy'd before he
began it; and bemoan'd himself for not having undertook it in time.
For the future therefore, I must call Oroonoko, Caesar, since by that Name
only he was known in our Western World, and by that Name he was receiv'd on Shoar at
, where he was destin'd a Slave. But if the King
himself (God bless him) had come a-shore, there cou'd not have been greater
Expectations by all the whole Plantation, and those neighbouring ones, than was on
ours at that time; and he was receiv'd more like a Governor, than 110 a
Slave. Notwithstanding, as the Custom was, they assign'd him his Portion of Land, his
House, and his Business, up in the Plantation. But as it was more for Form, than any
Design, to put him to his Task, he endur'd no more of the Slave but the Name, and
remain'd some Days in the House, receiving all Visits that were made him, without
stirring towards that part of the Plantation where the Negroes were.
At last, he wou'd needs go view his Land, his House, and the Business assign'd him.
But he no sooner came to the Houses of the Slaves, which are like a little Town by it
self, the Negroes all having left Work, but they all came forth to behold
him, and found he was that Prince who had, at several times, sold most of 'em to
these 111 Parts; and, from a Veneration they pay to great Men, especially
if they know 'em, and from the Surprize and Awe they had at the sight of him, they
all cast themselves at his Feet, crying out, in their Language, Live, O King!
Long live, O King! And kissing his Feet, paid him even Divine Homage.
Several English Gentlemen were with him; and what Mr. Trefry had
told 'em, was here confirm'd; of which he himself before had no other Witness than
Caesar himself: But he was infinitely glad to find his Grandure confirm'd
by the Adoration of all the Slaves.
Caesar troubl'd with their Over-Joy, and Over-Ceremony, besought 'em to
rise, and to receive him as their Fellow-Slave; assuring them, he was no better. At
which 112 they set up with one Accord a most terrible and hidious Mourning
and condoling, which he and the English had much a-do to appease; but at
last they prevail'd with 'em, and they prepar'd all their barbarous Musick, and every
one kill'd and dress'd something of his own Stock (for every Family has their Land
apart, on which, at their leisuretimes, they breed all eatable things;) and clubbing
it together, made a most magnificent Supper, inviting their Captain, their Prince, to
honour it with his Presence; which he did, and several English with him;
where they all waited on him, some playing, others dancing before him all the time,
according to the Manners of their several Nations; and with unwearied Industry,
endeavouring to please and delight him.
While they sat at Meat Mr.
Trefry told Caesar, that most of these young Slaves
were undon in Love, with a fine she Slave, whom they had had about Six
Months on their Land; the Prince, who never heard the Name of Love
without a Sigh, nor any mention of it without the Curiosity of examining further into
that tale, which of all Discourses was most agreeable to him, asked, how they came to
be so Unhappy, as to be all Undon for one fair Slave? Trefry, who was
naturally Amorous, and lov'd to talk of Love as well as any body, proceeded to tell
him, they had the most charming Black that ever was beheld on their
Plantation, about Fifteen or Sixteen Years old, as he guest; that, for
his part, he had done nothing but Sigh for her 130ever since she came; and
that all the white Beautys he had seen, never charm'd him so absolutely as this fine
Creature had done; and that no Man, of any Nation, ever beheld her, that did not fall
in Love with her; and that she had all the Slaves perpetually at her Feet;
and the whole Country resounded with the Fame of Clemene, for so, said he,
we have Christ'ned her: But she denys us all with such a noble Disdain, that 'tis a
Miracle to see, that she, who can give such eternal Desires, shou'd herself be all
Ice, and all Unconcern. She is adorn'd with the most Graceful Modesty that ever
beautifyed Youth; the softest Sigher—that, if she were capable of Love, one would
swear she languish'd for some absent happy Man; and131 so retir'd, as if
she fear'd a Rape even from the God of Day; or that the Breezes would steal Kisses
from her delicate Mouth. Her Task of Work some sighing Lover every day makes it his
Petition to perform for her, which she excepts blushing, and with reluctancy, for
fear he will ask her a Look for a Recompence, which he dares not presume to hope; so
great an Awe she strikes into the Hearts of her Admirers. I do not wonder,
replied the Prince, that Clemene shou'd refuse Slaves, being as you say
so Beautiful, but wonder how she escapes those who can entertain her as you can
do; or why, being your Slave, you do not oblige her to yield. I confess, said
Trefry, when I have, against her will, entertain'd her with Love so long, as
to be transported132
with my Passion; even above Decency, I have been ready to make use of those
advantages of Strength and Force Nature has given me. But oh! she disarms me, with
that Modesty and Weeping so tender and so moving, that I retire, and thank my
Stars she overcame me. The Company laught at his Civility to a
Slave, and Caesar only applauded the nobleness of his Passion
and Nature; since that Slave might be Noble, or, what was better, have true Notions
of Honour and Vertue in her. Thus past they this Night, after having received, from
the Slaves, all imaginable Respect and Obedience.
The next Day Trefry ask'd Caesar to walk, when the heat was
allay'd, and designedly carried him by the Cottage of the fair Slave; and
133told him, she whom he spoke of last Night liv'd there retir'd.
But, says he, I would not wish you to approach, for, I am sure, you
will be in Love as soon as you behold her. Caesar assur'd him, he was proof
against all the Charms of that Sex; and that if he imagin'd his Heart cou'd be so
perfidious to Love again, after Imoinda, he believ'd he shou'd tear it from
his Bosom: They had no sooner spoke, but a little shock Dog, that Clemene
had presented her, which she took great Delight in, ran out; and she, not knowing any
body was there, ran to get it in again, and bolted out on those who were just
Speaking of her: When seeing them, she wou'd have run in again; but Trefry
caught her by the Hand, and cry'd, Clemene, however you134
fly a Lover, you ought to pay some Respect to this Stranger: (pointing to
Caesar) But she, as if she had resolv'd never to raise her Eyes to the
Face of a Man again, bent 'em the more to the Earth, when he spoke, and gave the
Prince the Leasure to look the more at her. There needed no long Gazing,
or Consideration, to examin who this fair Creature was; he soon saw Imoinda
all over her; in a Minute he saw her Face, her Shape, her Air, her Modesty, and all
that call'd forth his Soul with Joy at his Eyes, and left his Body destitute of
almost Life; it stood without Motion, and, for a Minute, knew not that it had a
Being; and, I believe, he had never come to himself, so opprest he was with over-Joy,
if he had not met 135 with this Allay, that he perceiv'd Imoinda
fall dead in the Hands of Trefry: this awaken'd him, and he ran to her aid,
and caught her in his Arms, where, by degrees, she came to herself; and 'tis needless
to tell with what transports, what extasies of Joy, they both a while beheld each
other, without Speaking; then Snatcht each other to their Arms; then Gaze again, as
if they still doubted whether they possess'd the Blessing: They Graspt, but when they
recovered their Speech, 'tis not to be imagin'd, what tender things they exprest to
each other; wondering what strange Fate had brought 'em again together. They soon
inform'd each other of their Fortunes, and equally bewail'd their Fate; but, at the
same136 time, they mutually protested, that even Fetters and Slavery
were Soft and Easy; and wou'd be supported with Joy and Pleasure, while they cou'd be
so happy to possess each other, and to be able to make good their Vows.
Caesar swore he disdain'd the Empire of the World, while he cou'd behold
his Imoinda; and she despis'd Grandure and Pomp, those Vanities of her Sex,
when she cou'd Gaze on Oroonoko. He ador'd the very Cottage where she
resided, and said, That little Inch of the World wou'd give him more Happiness than
all the Universe cou'd do; and she vow'd, It was a Pallace, while adorn'd with the
Presence of Oroonoko.
Trefry was infinitely pleas'd with this Clemene137 was the Fair Mistress of whom Caesar had before spoke; and was
not a little satisfied, that Heaven was so kind to the Prince, as to sweeten
his Misfortunes by so lucky an Accident; and leaving the Lovers to themselves, was
impatient to come down to Parham House, (which was on the same
Plantation) to give me an Account of what had hapned. I was as impatient
to make these Lovers a Visit, having already made a Friendship with Caesar;
and from his own Mouth learn'd what I have related, which was confirmed by his
French-man, who was set on Shore to seek his Fortunes; and of whom they cou'd not
make a Slave, because a Christian; and he came daily to Parham Hill to see
and pay his Respects138 to his Purple Prince: So that concerning
and intresting my self, in all that related to Caesar, whom I had assur'd of
Liberty, as soon as the Governor arriv'd, I hasted presently to the Place where the
Lovers were, and was infinitely glad to find this Beautiful young Slave (who
had already gain'd all our Esteems, for her Modesty and her extraordinary Prettyness)
to be the same I had heard Caesar speak so much off. One may imagine then,
we paid her a treble Respect; and though from her being carv'd in fine Flowers and
Birds all over her Body, we took her to be of Quality before, yet, when we knew
Clemene was Imoinda, we cou'd not enough admire her.
I had forgot to tell you, that 139 those who are Nobly born of that
Country, are so delicately all over the fore-part of the Trunk of their
Bodies, that it looks as if it were ; the Works being raised like high
Poynt round the Edges of the Flowers: Some are only Carv'd with a little Flower, or
Bird, at the Sides of the Temples, as was Caesar; and those who are so
Carv'd over the Body, resemble our Ancient that are
figur'd in the Chronicles, but these Carvings are more delicate.
From that happy Day Caesar took Clemene for his Wife, to the
general Joy of all People; and there was as much Magnificence as the Country wou'd
afford at the Celebration of this Wedding: and in a very short time after she 140conceiv'd with Child; which made Caesar even adore her, knowing
he was the last of his Great Race. This new Accident made him more Impatient of
Liberty, and he was every Day treating with Trefry for his and
Clemene's Liberty; and offer'd either Gold, or a vast quantity of Slaves,
which shou'd be paid before they let him go, provided he cou'd have any Security that
he shou'd go when his Ransom was paid: They fed him from Day to Day with Promises,
and delay'd him, till the Lord Governor shou'd come; so that he began to suspect them
of falshood, and that they wou'd delay him till the time of his Wives delivery, and
make a Slave of that too, For all the Breed is141 theirs to whom the
Parents belong: This Thought made him very uneasy, and his Sullenness gave them some
Jealousies of him; so that I was oblig'd, by some Persons, who fear'd a Mutiny (which
is very Fatal sometimes in those Colonies, that abound so with Slaves, that they
exceed the Whites in vast Numbers) to discourse with Caesar, and to give him
all the Satisfaction I possibly cou'd; they knew he and Clemene were scarce
an Hour in a Day from my Lodgings; that they eat with me, and that I oblig'd 'em in
all things I was capable of: I entertain'd him with the Lives of the Romans, and
great Men, which charm'd him to my Company; and her, with teaching her all the pretty
Works that I was Mistress 142of; and telling her Stories of Nuns, and
endeavoring to bring her to the knowledge of the true God. But of all Discourses
Caesar lik'd that the worst, and wou'd never be reconcil'd to our Notions
of the Trinity, of which he ever made a Jest; it was a Riddle, he said, wou'd turn
his Brain to conceive, and one cou'd not make him understand what Faith was. However,
these Conversations fail'd not altogether so well to divert him, that he lik'd the
Company of us Women much above the Men; for he cou'd not Drink; and he is but an ill
Companion in that Country that cannot: So that obliging him to love us very well, we
had all the Liberty of Speech with him, especially my self, whom he call'd 143 his Great Mistress; and indeed my Word wou'd go a great way
with him. For these Reasons, I had Opportunity to take notice to him, that he was not
well pleasd of late, as he us'd to be; was more retir'd and thoughtful; and told him,
I took it Ill he shou'd Suspect we wou'd break our Words with him, and not permit
both him and Clemene to return to his own Kingdom, which was not so long a
way, but when he was once on his Voyage he wou'd quickly arrive there. He made me
some Answers that shew'd a doubt in him, which made me ask him, what advantage it
wou'd be to doubt? it would but give us a Fear of him, and possibly compel us to
treat him so as I shou'd be144 very loath to behold: that is, it might
occasion his Confinement. Perhaps this was not so Luckily spoke of me, for I
perceiv'd he resented that Word, which I strove to Soften again in vain: However, he
assur'd me, that whatsoever Resolutions he shou'd take, he wou'd Act nothing upon the
White-People; and as for my self, and those upon that Plantation where he
was, he wou'd sooner forfeit his eternal Liberty, and Life it self, than lift his
Hand against his greatest Enemy on that Place: He besought me to suffer no Fears upon
his Account, for he cou'd do nothing that Honour shou'd not dictate; but he accus'd
himself for having suffer'd Slavery so long; yet he charg'd that weakness on Love
alone, who145 was capable of making him neglect even Glory it self; and,
for which, now he reproches himself every moment of the Day. Much more to this effect
he spoke, with an Air impatient enough to make me know he wou'd not be long in
Bondage; and though he suffer'd only the Name of a Slave, and had nothing of the Toil
and Labour of one, yet that was sufficient to render him Uneasy; and he had been too
long Idle, who us'd to be always in Action, and in Arms: He had a Spirit all Rough
and Fierce, and that cou'd not be tam'd to lazy Rest; and though all endeavors were
us'd to exercise himself in such Actions and Sports as this World afforded, as
Running, Wrastling, Pitching the Bar, Hunting and Fishing,146 Chasing and
Killing Tigers of a monstrous Size, which this Continent affords in
abundance; and wonderful Snakes, such as is reported to have incounter'd at
the River of Amazons, and which Caesar took great Delight to
overcome; yet these were not Actions great enough for his large Soul, which was still
panting after more renown'd Action.
Before I parted that Day with him, I got, with much ado, a Promise from him to rest
yet a little longer with Patience, and wait the coming of the Lord Governor, who was
every Day expected on our Shore; he assur'd me he wou'd, and this Promise he desired
me to know was given perfectly in Complaisance to me,147in whom he had an
intire Confidence.
After this, I neither thought it convenient to trust him much out of our View, nor
did the Country who fear'd him; but with one accord it was advis'd to treat him
Fairly, and oblige him to remain within such a compass, and that he shou'd be
permitted, as seldom as cou'd be, to go up to the Plantations of the Negroes; or, if
he did, to be accompany'd by some that shou'd be rather in appearance Attendants than
Spys. This Care was for some time taken, and Caesar look'd upon it as a Mark
of extraordinary Respect, and was glad his discontent had oblig'd 'em to be more
observant to him; he received new assurance from 148the Overseer, which was
confirmed to him by the Opinion of all the Gentlemen of the Country, who made their
court to him: During this time that we had his Company more frequently than hitherto
we had had, it may not be unpleasant to relate to you the Diversions we entertain'd
him with, or rather he us.
My stay was to be short in that Country, because my Father dy'd at Sea, and never
arriv'd to possess the Honour was design'd him, (which was Lieutenant-General of Six
and thirty Islands, besides the Continent of Surinam) nor the advantages he
hop'd to reap by them; so that though we were oblig'd to continue on our Voyage, we
did not 149intend to stay upon the Place: Though, in a Word, I must say
thus much of it, That certainly had but seen and
known what a vast and charming World he had been Master off in that Continent, he
would never have parted so Easily with it to the Dutch. 'Tis a Continent
whose vast Extent was never yet known, and may contain more Noble Earth than all the
Universe besides; for, they say, it reaches from East to West; one Way as far as
China, and another to Peru: It affords all things both for
Beauty and Use; 'tis there Eternal Spring, always the very Months of April,
May and June; the Shades are perpetual, the Trees, bearing at once
all degrees of Leaves and Fruit,150 from blooming Buds to ripe Autumn;
Groves of Oranges, Limons, Citrons, Figs, Nutmegs, and noble Aromaticks, continually
bearing their Fragrancies. The Trees appearing all like adorn'd with Flowers of
different kind; some are all White, some Purple, some Scarlet, some Blew, some
Yellow; bearing, at the same time, Ripe Fruit and Blooming Young, or producing every
Day new. The very Wood of all these Trees have an intrinsick Value above common
Timber; for they are, when cut, of different Colours, glorious to behold; and bear a
Price considerable, to inlay withal. Besides this, they yield rich Balm, and Gums; so
that we make our Candles of such an Aromatick Substance, as151 does not
only give a sufficient Light, but, as they Burn, they cast their Perfumes all about.
Cedar is the common Firing, and all the Houses are built with it. The very Meat we
eat, when set on the Table, if it be Native, I mean of the Country, perfumes the
whole Room; especially a little Beast call'd an Armadilly, a thing which I
can liken to nothing so well as a Rhinoceros; 'tis all in white Armor so
joynted, that it moves as well in it, as if it had nothing on; this Beast is about
the bigness of a Pig of Six Weeks old. But it were endless to give an Account of all
the divers Wonderfull and Strange things that Country affords, and which we took a
very great Delight to go in search of; though 152those adventures are
oftentimes Fatal and at least Dangerous: But while we had Caesar in our
Company on these Designs we fear'd no harm, nor suffer'd any.
As soon as I came into the Country, the best House in it was presented me, call'd St.
John's Hill. It stood on a vast Rock of white Marble, at the Foot of
which the River ran a vast depth down, and not to be descended on that side; the
little Waves still dashing and washing the foot of this Rock, made the softest
Murmurs and Purlings in the World; and the Oposite Bank was adorn'd with such vast
quantities of different Flowers eternally Blowing, and every Day and Hour new, fenc'd
behind 'em with lofty Trees of a Thousand rare153 Forms and Colours, that
the Prospect was the most raving that Sands can create. On the Edge of this white
Rock, towards the River, was a Walk or Grove of Orange and Limon Trees, about half
the length of the here, whose Flowery and Fruity
bear Branches meet at the top, and hinder'd the Sun, whose Rays are very fierce
there, from entering a Beam into the Grove; and the cool Air that came from the River
made it not only fit to entertain People in, at all the hottest Hours of the Day, but
refresh'd the sweet Blossoms, and made it always Sweet and harming; and sure the
whole Globe of the World cannot show so delightful a Place as this Grove was: Not all
the Gardens of boasted154
Italy can produce a Shade to outvie this, which Nature had joyn'd with Art
to render so exceeding Fine; and 'tis a marvel to see how such vast Trees, as big as
English Oaks, cou'd take footing on so solid a Rock, and in so little Earth, as
cover'd that Rock but all things by Nature there are Rare, Delightful and Wonderful.
But to our Sports;
Sometimes we wou'd go surprizing, and in search of young in their Dens,
watching when the old Ones went forth to forage for Prey; and oftentimes we have been
in great Danger, and have fled apace for our Lives, when surpriz'd by the . But once, above
all other times, we went on this Design, and Caesar was with us, who had no
sooner155stol'n a young Tiger from her Nest, but going off, we
incounter'd the Dam, bearing a Buttock of a Cow, which he had torn off with his
mighty Paw, and going with it towards his Den; we had only four Women,
Caesar, and an English Gentleman, Brother to Harry Martin, the
great we found there was
no escaping this inrag'd and ravenous Beast. However, we Women fled as fast as we
cou'd from it; but our Heels had not sav'd our Lives, if Caesar had not laid
down his Cub, when he found the Tiger quit her Prey to make the
more speed towards him; and taking Mr. Martin's Sword desir'd him to stand
aside, or follow the Ladies. He obey'd him, and Caesar met this monstrous156 Beast of might, size, and vast Limbs, who came with open Jaws upon him;
and fixing his Awful stern Eyes full upon those of the Beast, and putting himself
into a very steddy and good aiming posture of Defence, ran his Sword quite through
his Breast down to his very Heart, home to the Hilt of the Sword; the dying Beast
stretch'd forth her Paw, and going to grasp his Thigh, surpris'd with Death in that
very moment, did him no other harm than fixing her long Nails in his Flesh very deep,
feebly wounded him, but cou'd not grasp the Flesh to tear off any. When he had done
this, he hollow'd to us to return; which, after some assurance of his Victory, we
did, and found him lugging157 out the Sword from the Bosom of the
Tiger, who was laid in her Bloud on the Ground; he took up the
Cub, and with an unconcern, that had nothing of the Joy or Gladness of a
Victory, he came and laid the Whelp at my Feet: We all extreamly wonder'd at his
Daring, and at the Bigness of the Beast, which was about the highth of an Heifer, but
of mighty, great, and strong Limbs.
Another time, being in the Woods, he kill'd a Tiger, which had long infested
that part, and born away abundance of Sheep and Oxen, and other things, that were for
the support of those to whom they belong'd; abundance of People assail'd this Beast,
some affirming they had shot her158 with several Bullets quite through the
Body, at several times; and some swearing they shot her through the very Heart, and
they believ'd she was a Devil rather than a Mortal thing. Caesar, had often
said, he had a mind to encounter this Monster, and spoke with several Gentlemen who
had attempted her; one crying, I shot her with so many poyson'd Arrows, another with
his Gun in this part of her, and another in that; so that he remarking all these
Places where she was shot, fancy'd still he shou'd overcome her, by giving her
another sort of a Wound than any had yet done; and one day said (at the Table)
What Trophies and Garlands Ladies will you make me, if I bring you home the
Heart of
this Ravenous Beast, that eats up all your Lambs and Pigs? We all promis'd
he shou'd be rewarded at all our Hands. So taking a Bow, which he chus'd out of a
great many, he went up in the Wood with two Gentlemen, where he imagin'd this
Devourer to be; they had not past very far in it, but they heard her Voice, growling
and grumbling, as if she were pleas'd with something she was doing. When they came in
view, they found her muzzling in the Belly of a new ravish'd Sheep, which she had
torn open; and seeing herself approach'd, she took fast hold of her Prey, with her
fore Paws, and set a very fierce raging Look on Caesar, without offering to
approach him; for fear, at the160 same time, of loosing what she had in
Possession. So that Caesar remain'd a good while, only taking aim, and
getting an opportunity to shoot her where he design'd; 'twas some time before he
cou'd accomplish it, and to wound her, and not kill her, wou'd but have enrag'd her
more, and indanger'd him: He had a Quiver of Arrows at his side, so that if one
fail'd he cou'd be supply'd; at last, retiring a little, he gave her opportunity to
eat, for he found she was Ravenous, and fell too as soon as she saw him retire; being
more eager of her Prey than of doing new Mischiefs. When he going softly to one side
of her, and hiding his Person behind certain Herbage that grew high and thick, 161he took so good aim, that, as he intended, he shot her just into the Eye,
and the Arrow was sent with so good a will, and so sure a hand, that it stuck in her
Brain, and made her caper, and become mad for a moment or two; but being seconded by
another Arrow, he fell dead upon the Prey: Caesar cut him Open with a Knife,
to see where those Wounds were that had been reported to him, and why he did not Die
of 'em. But I shall now relate a thing that possibly will find no Credit among Men,
because 'tis a Notion commonly receiv'd with us, That nothing can receive a Wound in
the Heart and Live; but when the Heart of this courageous Animal was taken out, there
were Seven162 Bullets of Lead in it, and the Wounds seam'd up with great
Scars, and she liv'd with the Bullets a great while, for it was long since they were
shot: This Heart the Conqueror brought up to us, and 'twas a very great Curiosity,
which all the Country came to see; and which gave Caesar occasion of many
fine Discourses; of Accidents in War, and Strange Escapes.
At other times he wou'd go a Fishing; and discoursing on that Diversion, he found we
had in that Country a very Strange Fish, call'd, a (an Eel of which I
have eaten) that while it is alive, it has a quality so Cold, that those who are
Angling, though with a Line of never so great a length, with a Rod 163at
the end of it, it shall, in the same minute the Bait is touched by this Eel,
seize him or her that holds the Rod with benumb'dness, that shall deprive 'em of
Sense, for a while; and some have fall'n into the Water, and others drop'd as dead on
the Banks of the Rivers where they stood, as soon as this Fish touches the Bait.
Caesar us'd to laugh at this, and believ'd it impossible a Man cou'd
loose his Force at the touch of a Fish; and cou'd not understand that Philosophy,
that a cold Quality should be of that Nature: However, he had a great Curiosity to
try whether it wou'd have the same effect on him it had on others, and often try'd,
but in vain; at last, the sought for164 Fish came to the Bait, as he stood
Angling on the Bank; and instead of throwing away the Rod, or giving it a sudden
twitch out of the Water, whereby he might have caught both the Eel, and have
dismist the Rod, before it cou'd have too much Power over him; for Experiment sake,
he grasp'd it but the harder, and fainting fell into the River; and being still
possest of the Rod, the Tide carry'd him senseless as he was a great way, till an
Indian Boat took him up; and perceiv'd, when they touch'd him, a Numbness
seize them, and by that knew the Rod was in his Hand; which, with a Paddle (that is,
a short Oar) they struck away, and snatch'd it into the Boat, 165Eel and all. If Caesar were almost Dead, with the effect of
this Fish, he was more so with that of the Water, where he had remain'd the space of
going a League; and they found they had much a-do to bring him back to Life: But, at
last, they did, and brought him home, where he was in a few Hours well Recover'd and
Refresh'd; and not a little Asham'd to find he shou'd be overcome by an Eel;
and that all the People, who heard his Defiance, wou'd Laugh at him. But we cheared
him up; and he, being convinc'd, we had the Eel at Supper; which was a
quarter of an about, and most delicate
Meat; and was of the more Value, since it cost so166Dear, as almost the
Life of so gallant a Man.
About this time we were in many mortal Fears, about some Disputes the
English had with the Indians; so that we cou'd scarce trust our
selves, without great Numbers, to go to any Indian Towns, or Place, where
they abode; for fear they shou'd fall upon us, as they did immediately after my
coming away; and that it was in the possession of the Dutch, who us'd 'em
not so civilly as the English; so that they cut in pieces all they cou'd
take, getting into Houses, and hanging up the Mother, and all her Children about her;
and cut a Footman, I left behind me, all in Joynts, and nail'd him to Trees.
167 This feud began while I was there; so that I lost half the satisfaction
I propos'd, in not seeing and visiting the Indian Towns. But one Day,
bemoaning of our Misfortunes upon this account, Caesar told us, we need not
Fear; for if we had a mind to go, he wou'd undertake to be our Guard: Some wou'd, but
most wou'd not venture; about Eighteen of us resolv'd, and took Barge; and, after
Eight Days, arriv'd near an Indian Town: But approaching it, the Hearts of
some of our Company fail'd, and they wou'd not venture on Shore; so we Poll'd who
wou'd, and who wou'd not: For my part, I said, If Caesar wou'd, I wou'd go;
he resolv'd, so did my Brother, and168 my Woman, a Maid of good Courage.
Now none of us speaking the Language of the People, and imagining we shou'd have a
half Diversion in Gazing only; and not knowing what they said, we took a Fisherman
that liv'd at the Mouth of the River, who had been a long Inhabitant there, and
oblig'd him to go with us: But because he was known to the Indians, as
trading among 'em; and being, by long Living there, become a perfect Indian
in Colour, we, who resolv'd to surprize 'em, by making 'em see something they never
had seen, (that is, White People) resolv'd only my self, my Brother, and Woman shou'd
go; so Caesar, the Fisherman, and the rest, hiding behind some169
thick Reeds and Flowers, that grew on the Banks, let us pass on towards the Town,
which was on the Bank of the River all along. A little distant from the Houses, or
Hutts; we saw some Dancing, others busy'd in fetching and carrying of Water from the
River: They had no sooner spy'd us, but they set up a loud Cry, that frighted us at
first; we thought it had been for those that should Kill us, but it seems it was of
Wonder and Amazement. They were all Naked, and we were Dress'd, so as is most comode
for the hot Countries, very Glittering and Rich; so that we appear'd extreamly fine;
my own Hair was cut short, and I had a Taffaty Cap, with Black Feathers, on my170 Head; my Brother was in a Stuff Sute, with Silver Loops and Buttons, and
abundance of Green Ribon; this was all infinitely surprising to them, and because we
saw them stand still, till we approach'd 'em, we took Heart and advanc'd; came up to
'em, and offer'd 'em our Hands; which they took, and look'd on us round about,
calling still for more Company; who came swarming out, all wondering, and crying out
Tepeeme; taking their Hair up in their Hands, and spreading it wide to
those they call'd out too; as if they would say (as indeed it signify'd)
Numberless Wonders, or not to be recounted, no more than to number the
Hair of their Heads. By degrees they grew171 more bold, and from gazing
upon us round, they touch'd us; laying their Hands upon all the Features of our
Faces, feeling our Breasts and Arms, taking up one Petticoat, then wondering to see
another; admiring our Shooes and Stockings, but more our Garters, which we gave 'em;
and they ty'd about their Legs, being Lac'd with Silver Lace at the ends, for they
much Esteem any : In fine,
we suffer'd 'em to survey us as they pleas'd, and we thought they wou'd never have
done admiring us. When Caesar, and the rest, saw we were receiv'd with such
wonder, they came up to us; and finding the Indian Trader whom they knew,
(for 'tis 172 by these Fishermen, call'd Indian Traders, we hold a
Commerce with 'em; for they love not to go far from home, and we never go to them)
when they saw him therefore they set up a new Joy; and cry'd, in their Language,
Oh! here's our
, and
we shall now know whether those things can speak: So advancing to him, some
of 'em gave him their Hands, and cry'd, Amora Tiguamy, which is as much as,
How do you, or Welcome Friend; and all, with one din, began to
gabble to him, and ask'd, If we had Sense, and Wit? if we cou'd talk of affairs of
Life, and War, as they cou'd do? if we cou'd Hunt, Swim, and do a thousand things
they use? He answer'd 'em, We cou'd. Then 173they invited us into their
Houses, and dress'd Venison and Buffelo for us; and, going out, gathered a Leaf of a
Tree, call'd a Leaf, of Six
Yards long, and spread it on the Ground for a Table-Cloth; and cutting another in
pieces instead of Plates, setting us on little bow Indian Stools, which they
cut out of one intire piece of Wood, and Paint, in a sort of Japan Work: They serve
every one their on these pieces of Leaves, and it was very good, but too high
season'd with Pepper. When we had eat, my Brother, and I, took out our Flutes, and
play'd to 'em, which gave 'em new Wonder; and I soon perceiv'd, by an admiration,
that is natural to these174 People; and by the extream Ignorance and