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Persons referenced in the collection.
PERRIN (1 associated work)
PRICE (1 associated work)
Palmer (1 associated work)
Mention (1)
Percy Armitage (1 associated work)
Mention (1)
Philips, Katherine, 1632-1664 (10 associated works)
- "On the 3. of September, 1651"
- "On Controversies in Religion"
- "To Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York"
- "Upon the Double Murder of King Charles I"
- "Death"
- "Content, to my dearest Lucasia"
- "2.Cor.5.19. God was in Christ Reconciling the World to Himself"
- "On the death of the truly honourable Sir Walter Lloid Knight"
- "Rosania to Lucasia on her Letters"
- "Against Pleasure"
Poe, Edgar Allan (1 associated work)
Pritchard (1 associated work)
Mention (1)
Professor Kempe (1 associated work)
Mention (1)
Professor Waldman (1 associated work)
Mention (1)