"Against Pleasure"
Katherine Philips
Transcription, correction, editorial commentary, and markup by Staff and Research Assistants at The University of Virginia, John O'Brien, Sara Brunstetter
Against Pleasure. Set by Dr.
1There's no such thing as pleasure here,
2'Tis all a perfect cheat,
3Which does but shine and disappear,
4Whose charm is but deceit:
5The empty bribe of yielding souls,
6Which first betrays, and then controls.
7'Tis true, it looks at distance fair,
8But if we do approach,
9The fruit of SodomSodomSodomIn the biblical accont, Sodom was a city destroyed by God for
the wickedness of its inhabitants (Oxford English Dictionary). will impair,
10And perish at a touch;
11It being than in fancy less,
12And we expect more than possess.
13For by our pleasure we are cloy'dCloyedCloyedCloyed refers to being
made weary by something that was initially pleasureable or sweet.
14And so desire is done;
15Or else, like rivers, they make wide
16The channels where they run;
17And either way true bliss destroys,
18Making us narrow, or our joys.
19We covet pleasure easily,
20But ne'er true bliss possess;
21For many things must make it be,
22But one may make it less.
23Nay, were our state as we would choose it,
24'Twould be consumed by fear to lose it.
25What art thou, then, thou wingëd air,
26More weak and swift than fame?
27Whose next successor is despair,
28And its attendant shame.
29Th' experienced prince then reason had
30Who said of Pleasure, — "It is mad."