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Howe, Tonya
(306 annotations, 102 texts)
Professor of Literature and Languages (2006-2023)
Instructional Designer & Technologist (2023- )
Marymount University
George Mason University
General editor and project co-principal investigator
"An Ode [Rule, Britannia]"
(4 annotations)
"Old England"
(1 annotations)
"Saturday. The Small-Pox"
(8 annotations)
"Satyr [Against Reason and Mankind]"
(24 annotations)
"The Sign of the Four"
(24 annotations)
"To Maecenas"
(17 annotations)
"To S. M. a young African Painter, on seeing his Works"
(4 annotations)
"To the Ladies"
(7 annotations)
"To the Nightingale"
(2 annotations)
"Upon Being Brought from Africa to America"
(1 annotations)
A Sentimental Journey
(48 annotations)
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
(2 annotations)
Fantomina; or, Love in a Maze
(64 annotations)
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus
(14 annotations)
Lady Susan
(11 annotations)
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral
(23 annotations)
The Rambler No. 4
(20 annotations)
The Tempest
(17 annotations)
The Waste Land
(15 annotations)
"A Rose for Emily"
(1 texts)
"An HYMN to the EVENING"
(1 texts)
"An Ode [Rule, Britannia]"
(2 texts)
(2 texts)
"Bartleby, the Scrivener"
(1 texts)
"Dover Beach"
(2 texts)
"Easter, 1916"
(1 texts)
"Fra Lippo Lippi"
(2 texts)
"Italy" ["My Last Duchess"]
(2 texts)
"Leda and the Swan"
(1 texts)
"Madhouse Cells, Part II" ["Porphyria's Lover"]
(2 texts)
"NIOBE in Distress for her Children slain by APOLLO, from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book VI. and from a view of the Painting of Mr. Richard Wilson"
(1 texts)
"Old England"
(1 texts)
(1 texts)
"On the Death of J. C. an Infant"
(1 texts)
"On the Death of the Rev. MR. GEORGE WHITEFIELD"
(1 texts)
"Paul's Case"
(2 texts)
"Satyr [Against Reason and Mankind]"
(1 texts)
"The Cask of Amontillado"
(1 texts)
"The Dead"
(2 texts)
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
(2 texts)
"The Second Coming"
(1 texts)
"The Sign of the Four"
(1 texts)
"The Soldier"
(1 texts)
"The Soldier"
(1 texts)
"The White Man's Burden"
(2 texts)
"To His Coy Mistress"
(2 texts)
"To Maecenas"
(1 texts)
"To S. M. a young African Painter, on seeing his Works"
(1 texts)
"To the KING's Most Excellent Majesty"
(1 texts)
"To the Ladies"
(1 texts)
"To the Nightingale"
(2 texts)
"To the University of Cambridge, in New-England"
(1 texts)
"To the Virgins, to make much of Time"
(2 texts)
"Upon Being Brought from Africa to America"
(1 texts)
"XXII [The Red Wheelbarrow]"
(1 texts)
"XXII [The Red Wheelbarrow]"
(1 texts)
A Bold Stroke for a Wife: A Comedy ; as it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields
(1 texts)
A Journal of the Plague Year
(1 texts)
A Sentimental Journey
(1 texts)
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
(1 texts)
Articles of Peace Between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II and Several Indian Kings and Queens ["The Treaty of Middle Plantation"]
(1 texts)
(2 texts)
Evelina; or, A Young Lady's Entrance into the World
(1 texts)
Fantomina; or, Love in a Maze
(1 texts)
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus
(1 texts)
Goblin Market
(2 texts)
Headnote for Arthur Conan Doyle
(1 texts)
Headnote for Edgar Allan Poe
(1 texts)
Headnote for Shakespeare
(1 texts)
Headnote for T. S. Eliot
(1 texts)
Heart of Darkness
(1 texts)
Jacob's Room
(2 texts)
Lady Susan
(2 texts)
Memoirs of Emma Courtney
(1 texts)
Ode to the West Wind
(1 texts)
(1 texts)
Pride and Prejudice
(2 texts)
Rappaccini's Daughter
(1 texts)
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8, 1741, at a Time of Great Awakenings, and Attended With Remarkable Impressions on Many of the Hearers
(1 texts)
(1 texts)
(1 texts)
The Age of Reason
(1 texts)
The Awakening
(1 texts)
The Beggar's Opera
(1 texts)
The Belle's Stratagem
(1 texts)
The Birth-Mark
(1 texts)
The Castle of Otranto
(1 texts)
The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People
(2 texts)
The Picture of Dorian Gray
(1 texts)
The Pilgrim's Progress
(1 texts)
The Rambler No. 4
(1 texts)
The Scarlet Letter
(1 texts)
The Scarlet Letter
(1 texts)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
(1 texts)
The Tempest
(1 texts)
The Turn of the Screw
(1 texts)
The Waste Land
(2 texts)
The Woman of Colour
(1 texts)
Tradition and the Individual Talent
(2 texts)
["Letter from Birmingham Jail"]
(1 texts)
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Eighteenth-Century Fiction
American short stories
EN161 Marymount University (Spring 2023)
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