Michael, Andrew (1 text)
The University of Virginia
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1 texts)
Mohamed, Muna (1 annotation, 1 text)
Marymount University
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 annotations)
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 texts)
Moon, Anna (6 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
Lady Susan (6 annotations)
Moustafa, Sarah (2 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 annotations)
Lady Susan (1 annotations)
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 texts)
Mubonda, Sibeso (4 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
Lady Susan (4 annotations)
Najib, Dana (1 annotation, 1 text)
Marymount University
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 annotations)
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 texts)
Narain, Mona (1 text)
Texas Christian University
"Saturday. The Small-Pox" (1 texts)
Nepal, Sakriya (7 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
A Sentimental Journey (7 annotations)
A Sentimental Journey (1 texts)
O'Brien, John (61 annotations, 133 texts)
Professor, Department of English,
University of Virginia
General editor and project co-principal investigator
"An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard" (1 annotations)
"An Essay on Criticism" (1 annotations)
"On the Death of the Rev. MR. GEORGE WHITEFIELD" (6 annotations)
"The Fall of the House of Usher" (3 annotations)
"The Masque of the Red Death" (8 annotations)
"Windsor-Forest" (2 annotations)
Articles of Peace Between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II and Several Indian Kings and Queens ["The Treaty of Middle Plantation"]
(5 annotations)
Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (6 annotations)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (18 annotations)
The soveraignty and goodness of God, together, with the
faithfulness of his promises displayed; being a narrative of the captivity and
restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (1 annotations)
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (10 annotations)
"2.Cor.5.19. God was in Christ Reconciling the World to Himself" (1 texts)
"Against Pleasure" (1 texts)
"An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard" (1 texts)
"An Essay on Criticism" (1 texts)
"Content, to my dearest Lucasia" (2 texts)
"Davids Lamentation for Saul, and Jonathan, 2 Sam. 1.19" (2 texts)
"Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward." (1 texts)
"Holy Sonnet: Batter my heart, three-person'd God" (1 texts)
"I wandered lonely as a cloud" (1 texts)
"Kubla Khan: A Vision" (1 texts)
"La Belle Dame Sans Mercy" (1 texts)
"Ode on a Grecian Urn" (1 texts)
"Ode to a Nightingale" (1 texts)
"Ode" [Intimations of Immortality] (1 texts)
"On Controversies in Religion" (1 texts)
"On the 3. of September, 1651" (1 texts)
"On the death of the truly honourable Sir Walter Lloid Knight" (1 texts)
"Rosania to Lucasia on her Letters" (2 texts)
"The Canonization" (1 texts)
"The Dean's Provocation for Writing the Lady's Dressing-Room" (1 texts)
"The Deserted Village" (1 texts)
"The Fall of the House of Usher" (1 texts)
"The Lady's Dressing-Room" (1 texts)
"The Masque of the Red Death" (1 texts)
"The Passionate Shepherd to his Love" (1 texts)
"The Rape of the Lock" (3 texts)
"The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere" (2 texts)
"The Sunne Rising" (1 texts)
"The Vanity of All Worldly Things" (2 texts)
"Tintern Abbey" (1 texts)
"To Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York" (1 texts)
"To the fair Clarinda, who made Love to me, imagin'd more than
Woman" (2 texts)
"Upon the Double Murder of King Charles I" (1 texts)
"Windsor-Forest" (1 texts)
"[The Spectator] Issue 1, Thursday, March 1, 1711" (3 texts)
"[The Spectator] Issue 10, March 12, 1711" (3 texts)
A Revelation of Divine Love (1 texts)
A Serious Proposal to the Ladies, For the Advancement of Their
True and Greatest Interest (1 texts)
Articles of Peace Between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II and Several Indian Kings and Queens ["The Treaty of Middle Plantation"]
(1 texts)
Charlotte. A Tale of Truth. (1 texts)
Davids Lamentation for Saul, and Jonathan, 2 Sam. 1.19 (1 texts)
Headnote for Alexander Pope (1 texts)
Headnote for Anne Bradstreet (2 texts)
Headnote for Aphra Behn (1 texts)
Headnote for Daniel Defoe (1 texts)
Headnote for Horace Walpole (1 texts)
Headnote for Jane Austen (1 texts)
Headnote for John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (1 texts)
Headnote for Joseph Addison and Richard Steele (1 texts)
Headnote for Julian of Norwich (1 texts)
Headnote for Katherine Philips (1 texts)
Headnote for Olaudah Equiano (1 texts)
Headnote for Samuel Johnson (1 texts)
Headnote for Susanna Centlivre (1 texts)
Headnote for Thomas Gray (1 texts)
Headnote for Walt Whitman (1 texts)
Jane Eyre: An Autobiography (2 texts)
London: A Poem, in Imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal (3 texts)
Northanger Abbey (1 texts)
Ode to the West Wind (1 texts)
Oration ["What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"] (1 texts)
Oroonoko, or, The Royal Slave: A True History (2 texts)
Phillis Wheatley (1 texts)
Preface to Lyrical Ballads (2 texts)
Reflections on the Revolution in France (1 texts)
Robinson Crusoe (1 texts)
She Stoops to Conquer (1 texts)
Songs of Innocence and of Experience (1 texts)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (2 texts)
The Busie Body. A Comedy. (1 texts)
The Country Wife (1 texts)
The Description of a New World, called the Blazing-World (1 texts)
The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People (1 texts)
The Philosophy of Composition (1 texts)
The Rover, or, The Banished Cavaliers (4 texts)
The Silence Dogood Essays (3 texts)
The Spectator, #11 (3 texts)
The Spectator, #2 (3 texts)
The Spectator, 65 (3 texts)
The Turkish Embassy Letters (1 texts)
The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano: or Gustavus Vassa, the African. (3 texts)
Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (2 texts)
Wuthering Heights (1 texts)
Young Goodman Brown (1 texts)
Ogbolu, Christiana (3 texts)
Preface to Lyrical Ballads (2 texts)
Olea, Zafit (2 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
The Waste Land (2 annotations)
Oyedepo, Faith (8 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
A Sentimental Journey (8 annotations)
A Sentimental Journey (1 texts)
Peloquin, Caroline (4 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
The Waste Land (4 annotations)
Pierce, Elizabeth (8 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
"The Lady’s Maid’s Bell" (8 annotations)
"The Lady’s Maid’s Bell" (1 texts)
Psallidas, Gabriel (1 text)
Marymount University
A Sentimental Journey (1 texts)
Rash, William (4 annotations, 1 text)
Marymount University
Lady Susan (4 annotations)
Ridderhof, Amy (2 annotations, 12 texts)
Marymount University
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (2 annotations)
"An HYMN to the EVENING" (1 texts)
"NIOBE in Distress for her Children slain by APOLLO, from Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book VI. and from a view of the Painting of Mr. Richard Wilson" (1 texts)
"On IMAGINATION" (1 texts)
"On the Death of J. C. an Infant" (1 texts)
"On the Death of the Rev. MR. GEORGE WHITEFIELD" (1 texts)
"To S. M. a young African Painter, on seeing his Works" (1 texts)
"To the KING's Most Excellent Majesty" (1 texts)
"To the Nightingale" (1 texts)
"To the University of Cambridge, in New-England" (1 texts)
"Upon Being Brought from Africa to America" (1 texts)
Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus (1 texts)
Rivard Hill, Andrew (3 texts)
Graduate Project Assistant 2023-, The University of Virginia
"XXII [The Red Wheelbarrow]" (1 texts)
"XXII [The Red Wheelbarrow]" (1 texts)
Robelo, Maria (1 annotation, 1 text)
Marymount University
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 annotations)
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1 texts)
Runge, Laura (3 annotations, 4 texts)
University of South Florida
"Saturday. The Small-Pox" (3 annotations)
"Saturday. The Small-Pox" (2 texts)
Jane Eyre: An Autobiography (1 texts)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1 texts)
Ruotolo, Christine (1 text)
Director, Research in the Arts and Humanities,
Digital Services Manager,
The University of Virginia Library
General editor and project co-principal investigator
The Importance of Being Earnest: A Trivial Comedy for Serious People (1 texts)
Rusnik, Lizzie (3 annotations, 4 texts)
"Saturday. The Small-Pox" (3 annotations)
"Saturday. The Small-Pox" (2 texts)
Jane Eyre: An Autobiography (1 texts)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1 texts)
Salesky, Winona
Web Developer and Designer
Scott, "Briar" Veronica
Graduate Project Assistant 2023-, The University of Virginia
Scott, Veronica (1642 annotations, 5 texts)
"A Rose for Emily" (14 annotations)
"The Cask of Amontillado" (18 annotations)
Heart of Darkness (34 annotations)
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8, 1741,
at a Time of Great Awakenings, and Attended With Remarkable Impressions on Many of the Hearers (27 annotations)
The Age of Reason (3 annotations)
The Scarlet Letter (588 annotations)
The Scarlet Letter (588 annotations)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (100 annotations)
The Turn of the Screw (270 annotations)
"A Rose for Emily" (1 texts)
"The Cask of Amontillado" (1 texts)
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: A Sermon Preached at Enfield, July 8, 1741,
at a Time of Great Awakenings, and Attended With Remarkable Impressions on Many of the Hearers (1 texts)
The Scarlet Letter (1 texts)
The Scarlet Letter (1 texts)